Chapter Eleven-Not Edited

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Alison Bryce

The Library was empty. No one was there, except the Librarian who smiled at us when we entered.

Ethan squeezed my hand as he tugged me towards a near by table he sat down and then I sat down next to him. He released my hand, got up, and sat in front of me. His beautiful green eyes stared into my eyes, for once his eyes weren't friendly and sweet, they were intense and confused.

The seat next to him opened and this girl sat there, a confused look plastered on her face.

"Are you the porcelain doll?" she asked with a worried tone.

"Its Girl, The Porcelain Girl, not doll" Is this how people recognize me, is this how I'm going to be known as for the rest of  my life.

Ethan turned to his head towards her but his eyes stayed on me, "Her names Alison, Alison Bryce." 

 "Okay," she looked at Ethan then me, "You're the girl who helped Ethan right?" She began tapping her nail on the wooden table, the noise echoed throughout the empty library.

I nodded my head, looking away from them, Ethan's gaze was burning into my head. His look, I couldn't tell if he was angry, confused, or guilty.

The girl began to talk, breaking the awkward silence, "Thank you so much, this idiot always gets himself into trouble." She laughed an awkward laugh but Ethan didn't break a smile.

"How do you know him?" He finally talked, for once I wished that he didn't.

My eyes turned to him, "Who?" I really didn't want to answer this question.

"Jackson, how do you know Jackson" He replied slowly as if I was a child.

I looked around, trying not to show emotion. "Umm well, he was this guy I met during elementary."

The girl looked satisfied but Ethan stared at me with a look that I couldn't explain, thankfully he just nodded his head and looked away.

"Umm, excuse me but what's your name?" The girl turned to look at me and smiled gently but it seemed forced.

"Its Sophia, i'm Ethan's Best friend," Her smile was so wide it almost looked painful.

Ethan grunted, smiling a bit, "I wouldn't say best friend, she's more like a mother."

Sophia looked hurt, but she quickly covered it with a smile, "Oh yeah, I'm a mother to you."

My heart began to race, I didn't like the way she was looking at him. He was looking at her too, with an amused smile on his lips. In an instant I felt like the third wheel, my legs began to wobble a bit and my hands began to sweat, a lot.

Ethan turned to stare at me, I guess he noticed that my face turned emotionless because he instantly frowned.

"What's wrong" he asked whispering. Leaning his head closer to my face.

I stared at him and he stared at me, I couldn't look away. His cheeks began to turn a light pink and i slightly smiled.

Sophia cleared her throat and I looked away from him.

Sophia outstretched her hand towards me, "Well, Its a pleasure meeting you, Alison."

I stared at her hand, no one had ever done this. People would usual leave me alone after this.

 Why are they being so nice to me?

I grabbed her hand and shook it .

Am I holding it too tight? What if my hands are sweaty?

From the corner of my eye, i could see Ethan smiling towards me. I turned to him and smiled back. She let go of my hand and laughed. "Well you guys lets go to class, the bells about to ring."

Ethan laughed, "Oh yeah, I forgot we were still in school." They got up and I sat on my chair not knowing if they wanted me to walk with them or if they wanted me to wait here.

Ethan tuned to me and held his hand out, "Lets go Alison."

My eyes stared at his hand and I automatically took it, I could feel the corners of my lips tugging upwards, "Okay."


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