Chapter Eight-Not Edited

188 14 2

Alison Bryce

The first three classes went by slow, my mind kept replaying Ethan's words.

Why would he want to see me again? I was the freak o the school. This was his one chance to get away from me, why didn't he?

I stared out the window, my seat was always in the back. Every class, every year. I was always happy about this but watching the girls in my class during lunch always made me feel lonely. I didn't have anyone to talk to about my problems, girls never commented on how pretty I was, they didn't even glance my way.

It was as if I was a plague, they didn't want to catch something they couldn't cure.

As mother said 'People fear what they don't want to understand.' She was always right about these things, she always called me naïve.

Mother was always good at making me feel better but all that ended quickly. After she left, father hardly ever looked at me. He never said that it was my fault she left , but I could see it in his icy blue eyes. A strong hatred a father should never have towards his child.

For a long time I actually thought it was my fault. It's a terrible feeling you get that eats you up, I wouldn't say I got depressed, it was more like a feeling of hatred towards my self. I was a lonely girl trapped in a cruel world, a world in which I couldn't scream out help. I was alone and no one was going to help me.

The loud ring of the bell brought me back to the real world. The students in my class got up laughing and smiling.

Its finally lunch.

I slowly got up from my chair, my heart was pounding in my chest.

Would he actually be there, waiting for me?

I grabbed my bag and threw it over my shoulder, I felt so excited but I kept a straight face.

It'd be kind of weird looking at girl (who has never smiled in school) smiling like a complete idiot, skipping down the stairs and waiting for someone who might not even show up.

I calmly walked down the halls of the school, my thick sweater giving me protection from the icy weather outside.

The gate was in clear view, my eyes scanned the area, looking for the face of the boy my heart belonged to.
(That was a cheesy line, sorry .^-^.)

He wasn't there, a sick feeling of betrayal filled me. Goosebumps danced along my skin, I didn't know if it was because of the cold or the sinking feeling of being lied too.

A group if guys walked past me, a wide smile replaced their frowns, their deep laughter filled my ears.

"Did you hear about the fight?" One of the boys asked smiling like a complete idiot.

Oh gosh no eavesdropping, Alison.

I was about to avert my attention but a unique name prevented me from doing so.

"Yeah The Ethan Faith and Jackson, I wonder who's going to win?"

"Well obviously Ethan, he was raised on the streets man. He's gangster." He laughed at the end.

Oh lord, what did you get your self into Ethan?

I walked up to them, "Excuse me, but where is this fight taking place at."

The boys turned to me, their smiles fading once they recognized me. They took a couple of steps back, there eyes avoided my eyes.

"Umm," finally, after a long silence one of the guys spoke up, "Behind the school."

I quickly thanked them and took off running, my lungs began to burn as I took deep breaths with my mouth.

I really need to do more cardio.

The Porcelain GirlOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara