Oh My Growd(s)

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Athena's POV

  How can life get any crazier than this. As we ran through the castle, I felt like something bad was gonna happen to us. Something is going a little wrong. Why would our arch enemy want to save us? And why did Magnus call Mitch the "son of Zeus"? Anyways, we finally got to a room, where we stopped to rest. "Wait, why would Mitch want to save us?" I asked Magnus and Jack. "Well, some friends can start off as enemies, and some enemies can start off as friends." Magnus said. When Jack heard that, he looked a little nervous. Suddenly, Magnus started to look like he was being possessed. He took out his iron rod, and turned it into a sword. Then he started to walk towards Jack. Then he said, "You shall die, it has been ordered by the gods. Get ready for your death." And then he charged toward Jack. Jack took out his two swords, and them two started to clash. Void started to creep into the room, while fire started coming in from the other side. The two elements clashed together, just like Jack and Possessed Magnus. That's when Mitch came in the room, and he was overwhelmed with amazement. He tried to stop them, but he couldn't. Suddenly, a giant person in a white toga appeared. He had white hair that was curly, a white beard, and a wreath on his head. On his back, he had a quiver filled with lightning bolts. "WHAT HAS HAPPENED!!" Zeus said. His voice echoed around the whole room. Jack and Possessed Magnus stopped fighting. "You have ordered me to kill this puny little demigod, Lord Zeus," Possessed Magnus said. "No I have not! You shall be destroyed for lying!" Zeus said. "Wait, father! Magnus looks like he's possessed by something," Mitch said. Then something zapped out of Magnus, and he fell unconscious. "By the way, why are you guys wandering around in this dungeon? It is very dangerous to be here right now." Said Zeus. "Well, Lord Zeus, I was kidnapped by your son, and then my friends came to rescue me." Jack said. "Ok then. You may go back to Earth." Zeus said. We all were vanished back to Earth.

Mitch's POV

Getting busted by my dad sucks. Especially since my dad is Jupiter. I know, I know. The person who came to the dungeon was Zeus, but my dad has a Greek and Roman form. Anyways, instead of going back home on Earth, my dad made me come back home with him, which meant I was teleported to Mount Olympus. That place looked exactly what Greece looked like in the ancient times. "So, son, didn't I tell you not to kidnap anymore people?" Jupiter asked. "Sorry, father. That Magnus kid looked a little bit suspicious." I said. "Well, I don't blame you. That guy is a little weird. You are now dismissed." My father answered. Whew. Then, my dad teleported me back to Earth.
Well, I didn't have the best entrance. Did my dad do this on purpose? Because I was falling out of the sky, head first, falling straight for the ground. I yelled my last yell as I headed down. When I hit the ground, I heard a loud CRUNCH. Pain surged through my body. Then I was knocked out. When I woke up, I found myself on a grass lawn. Magnus, Athena, and Jack were looking over me. "Oh, no.... I think you almost died." Said Jack. "Thanks, Captain Obvious." I replied. Blood was dripping everywhere. Then Athena took out a glass bottle that had red liquid in it. On the outside, there were three golden lines on it. "How many of those do you have?" Jack asked. "That doesn't matter right now! Here, drink this." Athena said. I took the bottle from her hands, and I drank it. Suddenly, I felt like nothing just happened right now. My cuts healed. I stood up, feeling refreshed. All of a sudden, the ground shook, and it opened up. A hand stuck out. "What?!?!?" Magnus exclaimed as the organism crawled out of the fissure in the earth. "Whoa...." Athena said. "Ugghhhhh...... Finally!" Said the creature. When it came out, it ended up being a human........


  Hello! I just wanted to say: Ermahgeeeeerrrrrrrrrrd. I think I'm gonna die. I NEED ENTRIES PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just need some help. So please enter in the contest. I also wanted to say: I have so much school, and I am so sorry if I take too long for chapters. And I also wanted to say, sammyflufflepuff is making me a new cover. So, all I wanted to say is: thanks Sammy, and unthanks readers. Good luck!
Keep calm and watch Star Wars,


The Adventures of Magnus Clark (CANCELLED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora