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Magnus's POV (again)
I picked up my sunglasses off my table, and turned them into a lightsaber. That's when I started to counter Mitch's lightning bolts. Then I flipped over Mitch and stabbed his pressure points with my finger. And he fell to the floor like an angry rag doll with an angry face. "Never underestimate my power, little boy." Except I said it another person's voice, and my eyes and hands were flaming with void. Then he got up, and formed a sword made of lightning. That's when I charged at him with full power, and knocked his sword out of his hands, and then I smashed the hilt of my saber at his gut, so he fell to the floor again. Then he tried to charge me, but I sidestepped. Then he said, "Don't be a loser, graecus, and fight!" I guess that meant he was sending me a death request. So I slashed his arm with my lightsaber, and he yelled in pain. That's when he grew an electric arm. Are you kidding me?!??! Zeus, please help me. Then I slashed his arm again, and then it was gone. "There you go, bro! Thanks for allowing me to discard your arm. Have a great day!" I said. That made him even more angry. That's when I tripped him over and kicked his head and said, "Oh yeah. Thanks for stalking me." Then he vanished into darkness.
  Poor Jack and Athena. They were watching this whole time, and Jack's hands were on fire because of how mad he was at Mitch.  Athena was just sharpening her dagger like nothing just happened. And I was amazed at what I just did. But I found a piece of hair that totally was Mitch's. I analyzed it, and took out a DNA sample from it. There. Now if I can extract that part of DNA that lets him vanish away, I can find out things that no one (except for Mitch) has ever seen before. Yes, I am that kind of evil genius when it comes to revenge. I told my friends about it, and they liked my idea. I like being an evil genius mastermind. Just then, Jack said he had to leave, so he ended the call, so it was just me and Athena. I told her I had to go too, and turned off my computer. Then I ran to my front lawn. I knew this was gonna happen. I saw Jack running down the street toward me. That's why I felt a fiery presence in the Force. I showed Jack around my room, and he was amazed. That's when I showed him my iron rod. He turned it into a sword made of fire. That totally made my room way warmer. But I didn't need that, because it was August in So-Cal. And in California, the temperature usually stays hot until September or October. That's why I turned on my fan. So I asked Jack if I should use the vial of DNA that lets me vanish just like Mitch, and he agreed. So I put the DNA in a syringe, and injected it into myself, making me feel a little bit weird. Then, something whispered in my mind: You have found the key to the secrets of darkness. But beware, there may be dangerous monsters that live within the darkness. You may have to face hard challenges. And then I vanished away into darkness.


Hello! This chapter was supposed to be Jack's POV , and I ended that last chapter on a cliffhanger. But I promise next chapter will be Jack's POV. Anyways, last chapter I didn't tell you how Jack looked, so here's a description:
Name: Jack
Race: Human
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Skin color: White
Description: Has fire powers and has two fiery swords (I forgot to mention that in the chapter before this one), and is the third of the trio.
What do you think of the video? Please don't blame me for posting this video if it annoys you, because it has the warning at the beginning. And sorry Sammy for adding Jack. And also, I might take a few days for each chapter because I got school and a life to live.
Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nomnomnomnom,


The Adventures of Magnus Clark (CANCELLED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang