You studied his face, and realized the regret and pain in his eyes, but didn’t know what to do or say next, “You could still be rewarded for taking me home, I’m sure they can offer you gold, or coins, or—”

“You don’t understand, I can’t take a reward because I couldn’t keep the reward, and if I told my master where I got the reward…well, she’d be furious that there wasn’t a princess sitting in front of her, especially if that princess happens to be you.”

“Why me? What’s special about me?”

He took a step back, apparently done talking. He began to walk off again, and you tentatively began to follow. After a few moments, he turned around abruptly and you walked into his back.

“You really don’t know?”

You shrugged and brushed your bangs out of your face.

“Someone’s been keeping secrets from you my lady.”

“Everyone keeps secrets from me.” You mumbled, and he chuckled dryly.

“Don’t complain to me about your hard life of fancy clothes and riches.”

“At least you get to go outside. They don’t even keep slaves locked up like they do me.”

“Did you ever wonder if there was a reason for that? Maybe it’s not safe for you out here.”

“You sound like my father.”

“Maybe your father knows more than you give him credit for. Look what happened today. And that was just a random encounter. My lady there is things out here that would try to capture and kill you if they knew who you were, and that’s in the northern lands. Down here, there are creatures blacker than the depths of the midnight sky that would tear the flesh from your bones and eat your heart out in front of you for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and if they thought they could get gold out of you, ha, nothing in the world could save you then.”

“Why does money mean so much anyway?”

“I wouldn’t expect someone like you to understand. Money gets you everything, power, women, if you know how to use it, it’ll get you more money.”

“Then what? You…sit on your bags of gold and drool on yourself? Sounds fantastic.”

“Like I said, you wouldn’t understand. You’ve never needed to worry about having a next meal, or needing to buy your freedom.”

“I may have money, but I don’t have freedom. This, this is my first time being outside of the castle and…well, no offence but this happened.” You deflated, sitting on a boulder.

 He stopped and scratched his cheek as he looked at you, “This is your first time outside the castle?”

“Joy it turned out to be.” You grumbled, and Fang began growling.

“Come on, we have to go.” Zack said as he looked back in the direction Fang was. “Quickly, and stay quiet.” He instructed as he gestured for Fang to go the way he had been looking, then he took your arm and began half running half walking in the other direction. The two of you rushed away from there quickly, and didn’t stop until the trees were no longer twisted and thick and there was no longer a mist shrouding the area. The trees thinned and there were leaves on them now, and the distant sounds of crows had faded altogether.

“Your castle will be just over that ridge, there. See? You can see the banners on that tower from here.”

You glared at the gray stone, mumbling "That tower is my room, where I’m locked away night after night.”

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