Blood Loss

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Ed's POV
I stood up weakly and saw a wall blocking me from being hit. "Brother! Your alright!" Al exclaimed. I nodded.

"Yeah. For the most part." I replied.

"Edward!" Hawkeye called out as she ran towards Al and I. It looked as if she was holding a first aid kit. "Let me see your
wounds." she ordered. I nodded as she instructed me to sit down. Soon enough, Mustang and his team ran over to us.

"Hey Al? How'd you know I was here?" I asked.

"Oh. Lieutenant Hawkeye informed me." He replied. I nodded.

"Fullmetal! You alright?!" Mustang asked. I ignored him.

'I'm not important to his plan. So he doesn't need to make sure I'm okay.' I thought angrily. I stood up and walked towards Al.

"Thanks by the way Alphonse." I said, smiling softly at him. Al nodded.

"Well, someone's gotta be there when your being reckless." He replied. I laughed softly.

"Yeah. Ain't that the truth." I agreed.

Roy's POV
His laugh. Fullmetal's laugh was so nice to hear. It was the type of sound that could brighten an entire room. I snapped out of my daze.

"Alright. Let's get back to Central Command." I ordered. Everyone nodded.
"By the way Fullmetal, I need to speak with you privately." I explained. He nodded. As we were all walking away, a small puddle of blood caught my attention.

"Huh?" I muttered. It was were Fullmetal was. "Was he injured?" I mumbled. Suddenly, my heart skipped a beat. 'Fullmetal could've died if....Alphonse didn't come in and protect him.' I thought. 'Fullmetal would've died because of my stupidity.'

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