.:Chapter Two:.

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      Zacky waited outside the high school, drumming his fingers on his thighs, seeming to be lost in his own thoughts. He wasn't waiting for Jimmy, or their extremely burly friend Matt, or even their unbelievably short friend Johnny. No, no. Zacky was waiting for Brian. Brian. The 5'10" bad boy with feathery black hair, deep brown eyes and a jawline so sharp it could slice your heart open; and that's exactly what it seemed like he'd done to Zacky. Ever since they met, he'd been infatuated. But, somewhere deep down, he knew he didn't have a chance with the charming teenage boy with an armful of tattoos. So for now, he settled with being a friend.

      Just as it seemed that he wasn't going to show up, that familiar rumble filled the air; seconds later, Brian's sleek black Camaro pulled into the parking lot. Zacky's hazel eyes grew bright with excitement, wishing he had the courage to ask Brian for even a ride in that car. He would love to feel the rumble beneath his legs, feel the breeze from the open windows blowing through his raven-colored hair.. The brown-eyed womanizer hopped out of his car, a grin cracking across his lips as he spotted the smaller, slightly younger teenager sitting on the sidewalk.
      "Hey, Zee. What's up?" He called cheerfully, sauntering over and sitting down next to his close friend. Brian thought there was something pretty special about this kid.. Sure, he was a little feminine, but hey, who wasn't at times? He smirked, pulling out a cigarette and placing it between his heart-shaped lips before lighting it.
      "Nothin'.. What's up with you?" Zacky mumbled softly, scratching at his jacket-covered bicep. He let his eyes take in the sight of Brian's beautifully straightened hair, finding himself wishing that he could lock his fingers into it and twirl it around as they curled up together... But Brian wasn't gay, or even bi. No.. He was as straight as one guy could get.
      "Nothing. I didn't have anything to do, so I decided to get here early. Why are you here so early?" He cocked a jet black brow.
      "Didn't wanna be at home.. I had kind of a rough night." He lied, looking down at his lap. "Hey, Bri.. Can I ask you something?" He murmured, tilting his head in curiosity. Brian took another slow, deep drag off of his cigarette as he propped one knee up, blowing the smoke out of his mouth as he nodded. "W-well.. With everything on the news.. What's your opinion on like.. Gays and lesbians?" Way to go, that wasn't suspicious at all. Zacky thought, biting his lip.
      "Gays?" Brian visibly tensed. The hazel-eyed boy nodded nervously, hoping he wasn't going to get the reaction he was thinking. "Fuckin' disgusting. Love is between a man and a woman, and sex should be too." He growled bitterly, turning Zacky's heart to lead. Instead of getting upset, though, he had to play it off and make Brian think he wasn't hurt.
      "Right?! Damn." He chuckled weakly, feeling sick to his stomach. Being gay himself, Zacky couldn't imagine having a relationship with a woman.. He found it absolutely repulsing. He felt the hot sting of tears prick at his lower lids, overcome with the realization that he'd have to hide his true self from Brian for probably the rest of his life.
      "Mhm.." The brown-eyed boy grumbled, taking a drag from his cigarette. He watched as a white truck pulled into the parking lot, pulling into one of the many empty spaces and then shutting off. "Looks like Jimmy's here." He murmured, flicking his cigarette onto the ground.
      "Hey, why are you guys here so early?" The lanky, blue-eyed boy called as he climbed out of his truck. He slung his bag over his shoulder, slamming the driver's door as he sauntered over to the two boys that were seated on the sidewalk. He glanced at Zacky, raising his brow once he saw the slightly melancholy look on his face. "Yo, you okay?"
      "Hm?" Zacky grunted, looking up at him. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine! Just a little distracted, is all." He chuckled nervously, scratching at his bare arm. He probably couldn't tell Jimmy that he was gay, either.. He probably couldn't tell anybody. He'd have to hide his true self, and he didn't know what he'd do if someone found out.

      Zacky sat outside at one of the empty lunch tables, absentmindedly prodding at a carrot with his plastic fork. He didn't really want to be around anyone today.. He was still upset over what Brian had said. How could he be so cruel? The hazel-eyed boy's thoughts were interrupted as Johnny, the shortest and youngest of their circle-of-5, sat down across from him.
      "Are you okay, Zacky?" Johnny asked curiously, tilting his head. Zacky barely glanced up at his friend, flattening his mouth a little to show he had heard him. "What's going on? Brian said you've been acting weird since this morning.."
      "Yeah, well, Brian's kind of a dick." He snapped, nearly breaking his fork.
      "Woah, dude.. What happened?" Johnny's voice was soft and calm, showing Zacky that he wasn't a threat in any way. The hazel-eyed boy sighed, lowering his head for a minute before he bravely looked Johnny in the eyes.
      "Johnny, I'm gay, and Brian is a fucking homophobe." He blurted.
     "Oh, well.. I don't really have a problem with that. I'm dating Jimmy, so-"
     "You're dating Jimmy?!" Zacky hissed softly, his eyes wide. They made a good couple, sure, but he never expected Jimmy would be into men..
      "Shut up!" The younger boy squeaked, his cheeks turning fire-red as he glanced around. Once he was satisfied that nobody was around, he let out a slow breath and nodded. "Yeah, I'm with Jimmy.. We've been together since last year."
      "Do Brian and Matt know?" Zacky whispered, a slender brow raised in curiosity. Johnny shook his head, looking down at the table. "Are you afraid to tell them..?" He asked softly, his voice concerned.
      "It isn't me that's afraid to tell them.. Jimmy's very protective of me, and he doesn't want something happening to me." The smaller boy replied lowly.
      "Do you really think they'd do something like that?"
      "Matt? No. But Brian? I.. I don't know. He's already mean enough to me.." Johnny muttered, looking down at the table. He scratched his arm nervously, clearing his throat before he stood from the table. "Your buddy is here." He smirked, waving as he trotted away from the table. Just then, a warm body sat down next to Zacky, and when he looked over, he saw that it was Brian.
      "Hey, kid. Did nobody ever tell you to not play with your food?" The charming teenage boy with feathery black hair smirked, nudging him with his elbow. Zacky seemed to ignore him, pushing the same carrot around on his tray. "Dude, what's wrong with you?"
     "Nothing.. Just tired.." He lied. In reality, he was still hurt about what Brian had said... And a little worried. What would happen if he found out Zacky was gay? Would he stop being his friend? Would he hurt him?
      "Well, listen, my parents are gonna be out of town this weekend. Since Matt's busy with his girl, and Jimmy and Johnny already have plans, I was thinking you could come over and chill." Brian grinned widely, his brown eyes alight with excitement. Fuck, there's no way I can stay mad at him.. Zacky thought, a shy giggle escaping his lips as he nodded. "Sweet! I'll see you later." He quickly got up and sauntered away from the table, leaving Zacky to stare at his disappearing figure.
      After finishing his lunch, Zacky decided to head inside and see if he could find any of his other friends. When he entered the building, he immediately bumped into Matt, causing him to gasp and stumble backwards a few steps. "S-shit, sorry, Matt!" He stuttered, his cheeks turning bright red.
      "It's fine, man, don't worry about it. Hey, have you seen Val anywhere?" Matt asked, his brows turned upwards. Val was his long-term girlfriend; she had long, flowing blonde hair and soft brown eyes, paired with a sensitive voice and an adorable laugh.
      "No, I haven't seen her since this morning." Zacky replied, and with that, the two teenagers bid each other farewell and went their separate ways. Zacky wandered the halls for a few minutes, his hands shoved in his pockets as he thought about how the coming weekend would go.. He wasn't so sure he'd trust himself in a house alone with Brian. Sure, he knew Brian was straight, but that didn't stop his mind from wandering into strange places..
     His thoughts were soon interrupted by the sound of the bell ringing, and as the students flooded out of the cafeteria, Zacky decided to head towards class. After school, he'd go home and pack his things, and then head over to Brian's house to spend the weekend.

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