Chapter 34

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Note: I'm skipping the hall pregnant months Kylie now is in the ninth month

Into the chapter

Kylie: it's been the most beautiful and amazing months with Cris without my father interfere with my life we prepare everything for the birth of our baby
I'm siting in the kitchen thinking about the message from my dad just to remember me about our deal

Cris: I wake up take a shower then go to kitchen to see my beautiful fiancé today we decided to choose a name for our baby boy and I'm so happy everything is so good

Junior loved the idea he's having a brother

"Buenos días amor I will make breakfast then we will discuss the baby names and go out side walking then we must bring junior from Emma's mother

Kylie: we eat breakfast then I  decide to tell Cris the baby name I choose

Cris amor I kinda decided what to name the baby if you don't mind

"Sure baby what ever you want "Cris said this with smile on his face

I'm going to name it " Jose Ramos " for your father and for Sergio the friend that's bring us together and helps us a lot

Cris: my eyes filled with tears as I remember my father

Amor I'm so happy your thinking about my dad and I'm sure sese will be so happy when he discovered we will name the baby on him

Kylie: I'm now in the first week in ninth month I'm so close to give birth
I wake up this day and Cris was at training I feel a sharp pain in my stomach and my water broke I go downstairs to Dolores

"Help me mama I'm going in the labor please call Cris tell him to come to hospital as soon as he can"

In the hospital

Cris: I found my mother waiting

Mam is Kylie fine!!

Yes baby she is don't worry she's a strong woman

Cris: we are waiting here for two hours and then I heard a baby Cris

The midwife: congratulations Mr, Ronaldo it's a healthy boy and your fiancé is fine you can see here as soon as they put here in the room

Cris : thank you so much for everything you do to us

They come and give me my baby boy he's so adorable my heart melt when I see him
He's look like Kylie so much
With eyes like her and colored green

Kylie started to wake up

Kylie: Cris my baby where is my baby  is he fine ??

Cris: amor calm down every thing is great and the baby right beside you just let me give you some water and I will give you Jose Sergio

Kylie: Cris give me my son it's great the second I saw his face I started to cry all the ideas of leaving my boys come to my mind
I can't imagine I will leave them alone

Cris: amor what's the matter why you're crying

Kylie: nothing this tears of happiness he's perfect I'm so happy he's healthy too after everything happens during pregnancy

Cris: yes thank God he didn't come before his time Sergio and all the team was here and they so happy for us

Kylie: thank them so much instead of me

After 2 weeks

I keep having my dad calling me about me leaving Cris and my babes he's also not letting my mom calls me or out from the house

Today it's my chance to do my plan I know it's hurt Cris and junior the most because Jose still baby doesn't notice that I'm gone

I started to prepare my things and I also leave a message with cd in it
With the help of the nanny "Sara" I will go out without the bodyguard notice any thing

And I also told her I will be calling her without anybody now to make sure my boys are fine

Junior in his room sleeping because he has some cold I sit beside him and started to kiss his hands and crying with voice

" I'm sorry baby I just hope you will never hate me I will tell everything when you get older I love you so much "

Then I go to Jose he's just perfect

"I'm sorry baby you will never now how's your mother but that's for sure is the best thing I do I just can't let your father die I will die right after him but I will always love you no matter what "

I put Jose in his bed then go downstairs
I see Sara crying

It's ok Sara I'm sure you will keep my sons healthy and please never leave them alone

And for me when my letter arrived to Dolores you just be surprised like her and I called her to come to stay here until Cris back from his game

I hugged her tight and out from the back door never turned because I will back right away

I also sent a letter to my mom and dad

I'm now landed in Malaga I just going to change my looks my face everything my last name I go to my friend house her dad is a doctor he will help me and also he will give me his last name

Author note
Just one more chapter and the book will end 

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