Chapter 18

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Cristiano pov

I don't now what happened it happen so fast I feel my head pounding I can't breathe

Then I saw a white light and my dad in the end I smiled and then it's all dark

Sergio pov

The ambulance come they took Cris and I go with him I called his mother and pilar and the boys we are now in the hospital
  Praying that Cris come out safely

Kylie pov

I was resting in my room when the nurse come and wake me

Doctor Kylie please it's an Urgent case

What's happened ??

I will tell you when you ready please now let's hurry doctor


I'm now in the operation room

Ok tell me quickly what's happen here

It's a car accident and the patient is suffering from an internal bleeding and  Also it has wounds in his head his age is 24 and he's Real Madrid new star Cristiano Ronaldo the nurse said

When I heard the name I feel dizzy I couldn't stand probably I felt the room so crowded I was about to fall and the nurse catch me

Dr,Kylie what happens? Are you alright!!

No  I'm not is any doctor here I think I can't do this

No doctor you must put your self together and started because we can lose the patient in any moment the nurse said

Ok please give me the scissor
I was working on the bleeding and my hands are shaking
It's been 2hours since we began

Thank God it's over now clean him please and put him in the  ICU room and I'm going to speak with his family after I finish cleaning the blood

I saw the nurse took him and I can't take it anymore I just sit on the ground sobbing
What's happening to me I'm still in love with him after what he did to me

I saw on the ground the bracelet I give to Cris when we was 10years old he keeps it till now why ?? Maybe it's time to know what's happened in my birthday from him
I just hope he wakes up I don't now how could I want him to suffer
I'm just idiot when I saw him I release I'm never heated him

I go to the waiting room where I could see his teammates and family are

Dolores pov

I was going mad I'm waiting for 2 hours just to now what's happened to my son

Finally the door opens and here comes the doctor

I run to her and asked her how's my son doing please tell me he's alright

Please sit down and I will tell you everything

He comes here suffering an internal bleeding and some wounds in his head
Lucky us we could stop the bleeding aNd we stitched his head and he is now in the icu room  we must monitor his condition

The doctor said that and I'm just started sobbing hard

"No please madam  everything gone be alright believe me I promise you he will wake up "

I'm so thankful to you my dear  I hugged her tight and kissed her cheek

Sergio pov

After what the doctor said me and Marcelo go to the  church and pray for God to safe Cris for his son for his family for us he's just a great person we loved him the first day we saw him

We sit quietly and we heard a cry and someone speak

"Oh God I'm sorry I'm just an idiot how could I want someone person get hurt and I'm helping the people to be healthy
The heat in my heart was blinded me from the truth that I'm still love him so much but couldn't forget about what he did

Please God for his son for aunt Dolores for Elma,Katie,Hugo for me please make him live please "

Marcelo did you hear what I'm hearing I think she's Kylie I think we found Cris lover

Come let us go to here

Excuse me can I speak with you for a little bit??

Kylie pov

I just stopped crying and I heard someone ask to speak with me
It was Cris friend Hope he didn't heard me

Ok what you want? I asked him

"Can I please speak with you  is your name Kylie Rashed??"

What !! Excuse me I must go now
I must see my patients

No don't go and please don't lay to use we heard everything Marcelo said

"Ok I'm Kylie what do you want from me "

Do you now Cris looking for you he's till now not losing hope he can find you please he's not like what you heard or read
He's in love with you till now you can ask his mom about what happened the night of your birthday " please promise me to go to her please "Sergio said

Okay I promise you now if you excuse me
I keep walking and thinking what they say how could Cris love me when he broke my heart  I decided to go check on Cris and then go to his mom

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