Chapter 32

212 13 15

It's been two weeks and all Kylie is doing thinking what her dad hiding from her
Kylie relationship with her mom is becoming better

"Flashback "

Kylie: today my shift in the hospital

It's a perfect chance for me to call my mother

Lilian (Kylie's mother)
I heard my phone rings and it's Kylie I couldn't control myself I'm so happy my baby called me I miss her so much

Kylie: hi mom how are you?? Hope you're fine I knew I'm not calling for a long time but you know why

Lilian : I'm sorry baby girl you have all the right to be angry but believe me I couldn't do anything please forgive me

Kylie: mom I can't be angry on you anymore I just missing you and hope you could accept my relationship with Cris
He really makes me happy

Lilian : baby girl I will do anything for you to forgive me and accept me back in your live

"End of Flashback "

Kylie: today I'm going to ask my mom about why dad hates Cris and his family and this is the best chance for me to do this because I have a shift in the hospital and Cris in Paris for the game
And junior at his grandma

So I called my mom and

"Hi mom can you come to hospital today I want to see you and also I have an appointment at the doctor to see my baby"

"Sure baby I will come in about an hour see soon take care bye ".Lillian closed the phone and started to prepare herself

The midwife : it's your nineteen week pregnant and everything is going great your baby boy is fine and healthy

Kylie: thank you very much your great

Lilian : I'm so happy you're fine and the baby is healthy can't wait to see my grandchild

Kylie: mom could we talk I have something to ask you About and please mom tell me the truth

Lilian : ok Hun I'm never going to lay on you again

Kylie: why my dad hates Cris and his family so much please tell me mom

Lilian: oh baby girl what I'm going to tell you it's a very long story

Do you remember when your uncle dead it's all started that day
First I think you know your dad doing an legal work

When your father travel to Portugal for a job I told your uncle about everything and he go after him

Kylie: I just hoped I'm wrong about dad works
And what the relation between Cris and that accident

Lilian:  please baby Do not interrupt me the story is long let me finish and then you will know everything

Kylie: ok mom

Lilian: your dad job was in a farm that Cris dad works at and when they was making the deal
Cris dad saw them and called the police

Your uncle arrived there and with his arrive the police come and there were a shooting and your dad takes your uncle and treys to escape but your uncle get shot instead of your dad and he makes your dad promised him to leave and go to us
And also made him promise not to kill anyone

But your dad couldn't make this things goes and he with the help of his friend that's have the farm
They knew who called the police

And your dad makes Cris father addicted on drugs just to make him die slow death and painful and damage his image in front of his children and wife he started by the help of "Johan " friend of Cris dad the start to put drugs to Cris dad slow until he becomes addicted

And poor Cristiano he tried his best to make his dad stop and he can't do anything and for your knowledge no one in Cris family knows your dad do all this

Kylie: I can't believe my dad do all this horrible things how could he do this he lost his younger brother he must stopped but no he damage the life of Cris dad

Lilian : baby don't cry I'm sorry if I upset you but I can't hide things on you anymore
I promise you everything will be okay

Kylie: no it's not going to be ok my dad said he will not stop until I leave Cris or he will kill him

Mom I'm afraid please help me I can't do anything to help Cris
What I will do !!
Should I leave him?? I think it's better to lose him again and know he is fine and not risking not seeing him ever again
But what I'm going to do with the baby

Please mom helps me !!

Kylie hugged her mom tight and then she started to sobs very hard 


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