Me & Them

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I wanna give a shout out to 'KorrinaPolba'!!
Guys do check out her story, 'Playing The Gang Leader'... It. Is. A.Ma.Zing!!

And yes, the reason I choose Camila Cabello as Catherine is because I really love her and just like her I love bows too❤️
Her dressing sense rocks and I lovey dovey it!

The other girl on the right is her sister

K. Enjoy the story❤️
Thank ya!!

We keep this love in a photograph,
We make these memories for our selves,
Where our eyes are never closing,
Hearts are never broken,
Times forever frozen still,

So you can keep me,
Inside the pocket of your ripped jeans,
Holding me closer till our eyes meet,
You won't ever be alone,

And if you hurt me,
That's OK baby only words bleed,
Inside these pages you just hold me,
And I won't ever let you go,
Wait for me to come home

I get up wondering how long is my sister gonna be depressed just because of ONE break up!! Every morning since the break up this song is like my alarm clock!! I literally know the freaking lyrics for Pete's sake!

"Emma please just stop being so depressed, it was just a break up everything takes place for a reason! I am hundred and ten percent sure there's another guy for you !! Josh was an dumb hole, mind my language, and he was no good for you ! ", I said as I again started consoling her.

" but ... But I loved him, he was my first boyfriend and like mom, I thought my first boyfriend would be my soul mate ... I ... I ... Really loved him Cathy, I really did ", she said between her sobs. I gave her a long consoling hug to make her feel better.

"Ok now freshen up, and let me dress you up today so can look stunning than ever are ok?", I tell her pushing her towards the bathroom, " but Cathy I was supposed to make you look stunning on your first day of high school!! ", she said all worried, my gosh I wonder how from sad she can go all worried so easily!!

My sister is three years older than me, she is 20- going to be twenty one in four months, and I am 17 going to be 18 in two months.

" look at you first!! I'm getting you dressed and anyways I look stunning even without getting ready ", I tell her flicking my long brunette hair back and that earns me a laugh.

She freshens up and has breakfast with us, us as in mom, dad and myself. I take her to her room and start flipping through all the clothes she has and trust me I don't even have half of the amount of clothes she has! Finally I removed one red skirt that's short, above her knees, and a black top and paired it with ankle length heeled boots. She went and changed and then I made her sit in front of the dressing table and began experimenting with her hair, I start by putting a lot of heat spray on her hair and then I straighten it completely because she has wavy hair, then I tie a high point and curl the tied part. Then for her face I apply some foundation, some compact, blush, eye-shadow, liner and mascara and end the make-up with red shade of lip gloss. It sounds too much but the make-up is simple.

"it's amazing Cathy! Where did you learn this? I mean it's simple but - but just stunning !", she tells me as she just stares at her self.

"I don't know, I just did it ", I told her raising my shoulders, and then I take a look at the clock and realize that only fifteen minutes are left !! I ran to my room took my outfit, black jeggings, green sweat shirt with black and white converse. I just combed my hair and left it naturally cause my hair is kinda ok without any heat and then i proceeded to do my make up. As usual just some foundation, compact, mascara and pink lip gloss, and Voila !! I'm ready. I take my bag and keep all the textbooks and note books mom purchased for this year and run down stairs, I nearly tripped because firstly, I was in a hurry and secondly, my bag was freaking heavy! Usually mom used to drop us and then go to work but now that Emma has a car she drops me and goes. I'll get my licence and car in a matter of two months, and I am excited!!
I know you must be thinking we are a rich family but No... We are not rich rich, we are just rich, like we can afford what we want, go for holidays, buy stuff and not have any financial problems. Rich Rich people are those who can afford alot of houses, 30 cars and the list continues.

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