She's just not that into me?

Start from the beginning

"sorry Sir I'm new here and I wasn't given any directions to class" I say back trying to hold my anger in

"well that is why you have a mouth to ask" he stands up holding his hand in the air silencing the students.

Looking at me he tells me to introduce myself, I look at the waiting faces, some with disgust, annoyance and boredom.

"Are you gonna introduce yourself or just stand there like a freak" some bitchy red hair yells in annoyance,

taking that as my que to start I introduce myself as Alexis.

After telling them a little about myself which isn't true nor is it a lie I take the seat he assigned me to.

Noticing the glares I'm getting from all the girls in the class I feel my anger starting to build, wtf are they all staring at, shit have you never seen a spanish girl before Ugh

Keeping my head down and ignoring the stares I pull the chair and take a seat.

Half way through the class I notice that all the other tables are loud and talking to each other whilst my table is dead silent.

Peaking through the gap of my hair covering my face I quickly take a look at the people at my table,

only now realizing that I'm seated at a table full of guys, 6 guys that are giving off the bad boy vibe.

I can tell that they are silently communicating with each other by using their eyes, so I take the chance to study them.

Looking them over I start with guy on my left, he has light blond hair with a tint of brown coming through and sky blue eyes, so I'm calling him blonde,

the guy slightly in front of him has jet black hair with brown eyes similar to his twin sitting next to him,

the only difference between the two is the one sitting closer to me has curls and the one further away has dead straight hair, from now on I'm calling them thing 1 & thing 2, I think the nicknames fitting.

Looking across from thing 2 the guy opposite him has a mix of dark and light brown hair with piercing blue eyes you could get lost in, I think i'll call him nice eyes,

anyways next to nice eyes on his left, is a guy with dark brown hair matching his eyes and cute dimples, hmmm I like the sound of that dimples, looks like I'm calling you dimples

and next to dimples is the guys that's on my right, I stare at him the longest, he has dark brown hair with light brown eyes, tattoos peaking out of every corner of his top

and by the looks of it he has the darkest edge to him compared to the other boys, I'm now guessing I'm sitting next to the leader. Could my day get in better (note the sacarsm)

After successfully studying them without getting caught I think I may have figured them out.

So blonde to my left seems more mature than the others, he's probably the one that keeps them in line.

Thing 1 & 2 they seem like the pranksters of the group with the goofy grins plastered on their faces.

Nice eyes over there, well it's hard to say he wears a smirk to hide his feelings but clearly when you look him in the eye,

you can see the guilt swimming around. Other than that he seems like a chill kind of guy.

Ending with the leader, he seems cold, his tattoo tells the story he can't describe in words and his eyes, those eyes holds all the emotions he can't express.

She Caught The Badboy EyesWhere stories live. Discover now