Ch6: Day Out in London

Start from the beginning

"That's so funny! So what do you do if you're in a restaurant and someone is looking at you. You yell at them to stop staring?" He teases me.

"I just won't eat until the person looks away." I shrug. Simple as that.

"Oh leave poor Izzy alone, Haz." Liam defends me and chuckles. "You know that I have a fear of spoons?" Ahaha I remember when he came to my house and had dinner in grade 8. My mom made new recipes she saw on the internet, soup along with other foods, but Liam didn't want to use the spoon and drank from the bowl instead. My dad thought he was weird and my mom just accepted it. Their reactions were hilarious! Harry chocks on his water and starts coughing. We're all in laughing so hard!

"What do you mean you're scared of spoons? Like you get scared looking at one?" Harry asks Liam while laughing.

"That would be sad if I was. But it's more like I don't like using them unless they are from my home because I don't know where it's been and who used it." Liam laughs at his own 'fear'. Soon enough we all leave Timmies and start walking to the bus stop. We go on the bus when it finally arrives and get off 20 minutes later.

"We're herrreeeeeeee!" I singsong while grabbing Harry's hand and bringing him to the door of the building. "Oh my god! We're at Madame Tussaud's?!? Wow! I've always wanted to come here!" Harry looks like he just saw a shop full of candy. I giggle and we all enter the building. We walk around taking a lot of pictures with almost all of the wax figures. I came here 4 years ago with my dad, mum and sister. I remember that Miley Cyrus' wax was my favorite then.

"Why are you laughing?" Harry looks up from his phone and stares into my eyes. I love Harry's eyes. I could just stare in them all day. Snapping out of my thoughts I reply to Harry.

"I was just remembering when I came here 4 years ago with my family and Miley Cyrus' wax was my favorite." Harry laughs along with me and we continue walking. We laugh even harder when we see Miley's wax in front of us, oh the irony.

"Stand besides Miley, don't you want a picture?" I try giving Harry a serious face but fail since I still want to laugh.

"C'mon, they you can compare the two." I just do as Harry says so we can continue looking around. "Smile!" I smile for the camera and Harry takes the picture. We then start walking around again.

"Oh my god! The Beatles! Take a picture for me please?" I chuckle while taking Harry's phone and snap a picture when he was ready. Harry is just so adorable! "Where did Lexi, Liam and Emma go?" I wonder while looking around.

"I have no clue. Oh well, I'm fine with it just being us two. We will just meet them in the entrance when we are done looking around." Harry replies while sending a text to Liam about the plan. We spent the next 40 minutes walking around, taking picture, talking and goofing off. One thing I learned about Harry, his jokes are horrible! But I still laugh because his jokes are so bad they're funny. We soon make it back to the front entrance with Emma, Lexi and Liam already there.

"Took you long enough! I was going to go back in there and look for you guys." Uh oh, Emma's not really in a good mood. Me and Harry go up to Emma and squeeze the brains out of her.

"Oww, guys, feeling the love, you can let go now."

"Not before you hug us back" Harry replies smirking at me. Emma hugs back for a split second then me and Harry let go. Harry goes off to Liam and Lexi so I start talking to Emma.

"You and Harry are cute together!" I blush

"aww you're blushing! Sorry if I was acting like a bitch but I was kind of the third wheel the whole day and that's not really fun." Oh my god, that must suck. I remember one time Emma wasn't at school one day and I spent lunch with Lexi and Liam...worst thing ever. It was like I wasn't even there. Man I feel bad now.

"My god Emma! I'm so sorry! Me and Lex will make it up to you. Shopping tomorrow?" I smile at her. Emma loves shopping, if you take her shopping she will love you forever. Emma instantly cheers up when she hears the word 'shopping'.


"Hi dad, hi mum!" I shout into my big house right when I step in the front door.

"Hi Iz. How was the day?" My mum asks in a chirpy voice. My mom is one of the chill, relaxed kind of mums. I love that about her. My dad is also relaxed but he can get a bit protective sometimes.

"It was so fun! We went to the London eye and-" I was cut off from my dad that just entered the kitchen to where my mom and I are.

"Aren't you afraid of heights, Iz?" My dad looks confused.

"Uhh..yeah...I kind of had a panic attack..but look dad, I'm all right, no need to make a big deal out of it!" I try to reassure that it is no big deal, because as I said, my dad is protective!

"Oh god, Izzy! You have to be careful next time! Why did you go on the ride if you're scared of heights?!" He looks at me with one eyebrow up. I am guessing he thinks I went on just so I can be with Harry. Sigh.

"So what happened after the ride?" My mum changes the subject. Thank you mum! See this is why I love my mom so much! She understands me, she is basically me, we have the same looks, thoughts, personality. What I got from my dad is my hobbies (cooking, playing sports like lacrosse, rugby, soccer etc), my liking for school, and also some personality traits. Lets just say that I am my mom externally and my dad internally. That sounds funny ahaha. I tell my parents about my day and show them the thousands of picture I took. I have a good relationship with my parents. 

  Today was the best day ever! It's been only a week Harry has been here but I feel like I have known him for months! Maybe I can tell the girls to start the plan in a few weeks? I want Harry to be my boyfriend. I want to hug him, kiss him and know that I'm the only girl for Harry. Sighing, I go up the stairs to my room and change I to home clothes, I don't like wearing outdoor clothes in the house, it's uncomfortable. Word cannot describe how happy I am right now.


12 votes for the next chapter?? Please comment too, tell me if you like the story so far, what ideas you want me to include. And how do you guys want harry and Izzy to confess they like each other??? Please tell me, I need ideas!! Thank you! Love you all!! Xxx

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