Ashely Marie

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Hi my name is Ashely Marie known as Sam's lil sis and I'm 16. I'm not even going to say I do cheerleading because you already know that from Sam and Miranda.

I have brown eyes and dirty blonde hair. I am somewhat of a nerd like the rest but also cool and chill. I do not have depression but the whole group helps Sam with it and I also have anxiety just like Miranda, and Sam but my fears are different and it's weird so they are singing in front of people, being embarrassed in a whole group and when I'm surrounded in the middle of a group and I know your thinking "Then why are you in cheerleading" but I make sure I don't do any of those things only make sure I'm in small groups of 3 or 2 people so yeah.

I like Magcon and O2l but mostly Nash. I'm moving also like you already knew that and yeah that's meh so Byeeeee.

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