"I've got something" Paul suddenly said "I think I've got something."

All turned to Paul. Clearing away the clinging defecation, he held up a beeper. And still the phone ringed. Returning to their bleak task, they shoveled the excrement with their arms.

Finally Amanda called "I've got it" she exclaimed "I've got it."

Grant snatched the ringing sat-phone from Amanda's hands, pressed a button, and put it to his ear.

"You too can own a time share in beautiful Guadalajara. Enjoy a meal in one of our four star restaurants, explore our coral reefs, or just walk on the beach..." The Kirby's heard the recorded voice and let out a collective, heavy sigh. Grant shut off the phone.

In all the excitement, none of them noticed a fierce horned carnotaur right behind them, the giant creature roared, ready to eat them. But as it got close, it smelled them. Even a dinosaur wouldn't eat something that is covered in shit. After a beat, the Carnotaur turned and walked away, back into the jungle.

"Can't help but be a little offended" Paul muttered quietly.

Back on the boat "Whatever you do, don't call the U.S. Embassy" Paul said "They won't do a God Damn thing."

"Well, we don't exactly have a Costa Rican phone book here, so it will have to be somebody we know in the states. Someone we can absolutely count on to send help" Alan told them.

Paul turned at Amanda "Stan"

Amanda made a grimace "I wouldn't trust Stan with a snowball in a blizzard" Paul glared at her. Now Eric and Aella noticed something odd in the river.

"What's that?" Eric asked out loud.

The others looked down in the murky water. Just below the surface, a shimmering wave of silver passed beneath the boat. Then a single fish jumped from the water, and another, and another.

"Bonitas" Aella muttered.

Eric looked at her "Something must've scared them."

Another roll of thunder sounded, this time much closer "Get the motor going" Alan said.

Paul moved the motor and pulled the start cord. The engine sputtered but wouldn't come to life. And now the phone beeped, the battery was getting even weaker. Alan Grant made a quick decision and dialed.

"Who are you calling?" Amanda asked but Alan ignored the question.

"Pick up" he muttered "Pick up" his eyes widened "Charlie? Charlie. Get your mother. Right away. Charlie? Are you there?" The sat-phone beeped again, this time much louder. Amanda and Eric watched Alan, realizing their fate may hang on this single call. Aella on the other hand was started to think it was going to end up bad, her father was talking to Charlie, Ellie's little kid, the kid couldn't even understand what was happening. Paul struggled without success to start the motor. Then, unseen by the group, a gigantic fin rise from the water just fifty yards from the barge. It was heading right to them and closing fast.

"Charlie. It's the dinosaur man. Go get mommy, okay?" Alan started to said desperately, suddenly Alan realized he had been cut off. He was about to redial when the barge was rammed, sending everyone tumbling. The older Grant managed to stay on top of the wheelhouse, but he loosed grip on the phone, which fell on deck. The spinosaurus rise from the water, towering over the barge. As lightning flashed and thunder cracked, the dinosaur let out an ear-splitting roar.

It lunged at Aella with gaping jaws. She leaped out of the way just in time as the dinosaur ripped off the entire wheelhouse. She followed Eric inside the cage. Dropping the dead phone, Alan scrambled towards the front of the boat and joined Paul, Amanda, Aella and Eric, who had taken refuge in the dinosaur cage.

•Survival Of The Fittest• |Owen Grady| Jurassic WorldWhere stories live. Discover now