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The automatic sliding doors opened as Savannah walked into the market. Her mother sent her to run some late night errands, so here she was in some booty shorts and a baggy shirt making her way through the aisles. She rubbed her arms as she began to get cold looking at the different ice creams. She finally decided on a flavor grabbing two tubs and placing them in the basket.

"Ah, mint chocolate chip. That's the good kind." Savannah turned to look at the man who was speaking. He was very tall and muscular, with curly hair and some eye glasses.

"Yeah, it's my favorite." Savannah spoke as she pulled her shorts down.

"It's kinda cold out, for ice cream. Don't you think?" The curly headed man laughed. "I'm Ashton by the way."

"It's never too cold for ice cream and my name is Savannah." Savannah laughed and leaned against the basket.

"You're right..." Ashton laughed nervously.. "You live round here?"

"Yeah, by Roosevelt High." She answers him.

"Great school. Did you go there?"

"I actually still go there.." She laughs nervously, biting her lip.

"Oh well in that case, go Wolfpack!" Ashton lifts his hands in the air with a smile, which made Savannah laugh. 

"I should get going before the ice cream starts to melt.." Savannah spoke after the laughter had died down. "It was nice talking to you, maybe we'll see each other around some time."

"Yeah maybe, have a great night Savannah." Ashton smiled as he watched the beautiful walked towards the register.

He thought to himself , he should have gotten her number. Although Savannah was much younger than Ashton, to him age was just a number and he was dying to see her again in a more private way. Of course, Ashton was not going to use her just for what she had to offer, he really wanted to get to know her.

Ashton had only one thing on his mind and that was how he was going to see Savannah the next time.

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