A boring day...

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Me: *reads on wattpad*
Kitty: *reading wattpad*
Awkward silence...
Barry: Ah! This is way too boring!
Ash: There is hardly anything on tv...
May: I know right!?
Z: I'm so bored...hey! I know!
Everyone stops what they are doing.
Z: We could...play truth or dare
Drew: Played that already...it's getting kinda boring *looks at rose*
Dawn: Who's that rose for?
Me and Kitty: May
Drew: What? No no no *blushing*
Brock: We could go to the Pokemon center or visit officer Jenny *heart eyes*
Misty: Brock...why would we go to a Pokemon center or visit officer Jenny? They are probably busy.
Brock: True.
Unknown voices: WAHAHAHAHA *team rocket motto song*
Jessie: Prepare for trouble!
James: Make it double!
Everyone: *rolls eyes*
Cassidy: What are you doing here!
Jessie: NO what are you doing here!
James: It's butcher
Cassidy: *gets a phone call from boss* Come on biff!
Butch: ITS BUTCH!!! I'm coming.
-Cassidy and Biff leave-
Jessie: Meowth where were you?
Meowth: At the park
James: I just got a idea! We're going to the park!
Jessie: I have nothing to do so...ok
-Team rocket leave-
Misty: Phew they are gone...
Barry: If nothing fun is gonna happen then I will have to fine all of you!
Z: Really Barry?
Ash: No way!
Barry: Yes way!!
Ash: Pfft.
Brock: Break it up you two.
Ash and Barry: Fine
Kitty: I got an idea!
Me: What is it?
Kitty: Let's just dance to music
Z: Do we have to?
Barry: Yes! That's a great idea!
Dawn and May: Let's do this!
-Puts on party and dance music-
-Everyone starts dancing-
Everybody: this isn't so boring anymore!
Ash: True!

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