Damon's Introduction

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{Character Introduction}

Hello there! My name is Damon Redfield. Im 17 years old. I move around a lot because my mom is always getting new jobs. I'm always left alone at home because my mum is always going on business trips and parties so I don't see her much. My dad died when I was four so his death didn't really effect me much cause I was four and I didn't know he would be gone forever.

I always had problems at school. Ether its being called names or getting jumped or being bothered in any other way you could think of. I always hated school I was never left alone. With girls it was because they thought I was "hot" and with guys it was because their girlfriends would cry over me and break up with them because they did look like me. I never understood women. One moment they're happy the next moment they're ready to chop off your head and feed it to the birds.

I never liked hanging with my mom cause she would always buy things that I wasn't interested in or we would go to Victoria's Secret or whatever and I would be forced to walk in with her. When I was a little kid it didn't bother me as much but now it bothers me....a lot. I dont buy perfumes and bras. I buy regular things like uh albums by my favorite bands and shirts sweaters skinny jeans converses. I mean yea I would buy things for a girlfriend if I had one.

I'm not good with women, except my mom. When a girl walks up to me and tries to start a conversation with me I just try to ignore em or I just wave hello and walk away before they could say anything else.

My mother had us living in Denver for quite a while but I couldn't make friends because I knew sooner or later she would get a call saying we had to move again because she got a new job. And then the call actually came and we had to move to Chicago. Mom told me a million times that Chicago was the last move we had to make because she wasn't getting any other jobs. I didn't believe her but I just agreed with her to stop the conversation. When we got to Chicago it was day time and I could tell school already started because there were no teenagers or kids walking the streets only adults free of their kids.

Mother told me I started school the nest day so I decided to ready myself. I practiced being talked to with my mom and bought a bookbag and supplies I needed for school like pencils and notebooks. Then, school started sooner than I thought it would. I was ready so I didn't care the only thing I was rusty on was talking to people. So, I stayed quiet and didn't open my mouth.

It wasn't hard to avoid people, but when I walked into this one class I saw this one girl it was hard not to speak to her. Her eyes pulled me in so I sat next to her. I could tell she didn't like me at first but I understood. I understood her. I actually understood a woman for once! I'm proud of myself. I have improved.

{A/N: HIYA AGAIN PEASANTS!!! XD anyways yes I know this chapter sucks blame the neighbors making all that goddamn noise! Oh and sorry about the late chapter I was just too lazy to write and update. I actually forgot what I was gonna write about so I just wrote a character introduction and thought as I wrote because CERTAIN PEOPLE (coughs) keep asking me when I'm going to update so BE HAPPY I DID!!! So, like and favorite and vote if you enjoyed subscribe to become a S!nner today and I'll see you next time whenever I update. Stay awesome guys!

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