The New Guy

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  • Dedicated to taintedboosom63

{Valerie's POV}

Hi, my name is Valerie Lane. I pretty much have a fucked up family, well, my "family" wasn't fucked up when my mom was still here. Anyways so lemme tell you about my past. So, when I was I used to hear noises coming from my parents room. "Get the fuck up bitch im not done with you!" my father would say "GET OVER HERE!!" he would say and I would hear my mother screaming and crying. I would be scared under the covers in my room. When I was about eleven, I came home from school. The house was quiet....its never usually this quiet. "Mother..." I called. She didn't answer so I thought she was sleeping. The only time my mom could sleep was when father was at work. Right now he was at work so I thought she was sleeping. So I decided to check up on her. I walk towards the master bedroom and open the door.

When I opened the door, mom was dead. She was there on the bed with a gun in her right hand. It was obvious she killed herself, how did I know? There was a hole in the back of her head where the bullet shot through. I called 911 and they took the body. I was now left with my dad. I'm scared of my dad and he knows that. For a few years my dad just stuck to going out to the bar and drinking away his problems. I didn't approve of this but I just kept my mouth shut I didn't want what happened to mom to happen to me. It wouldn't be right. Once I turned about fourteen, thats when the abuse started. The punches, kicking, everything. He never did sexual abuse though which I'm happy about.

I would be the one cooking and cleaning. Doing everything. Cleaning up after my father. Cooking dinner for him. I never ate my own food. I dont eat at all because dad hogs up all the god damn food. I never wanted this life. Later, I made the mistake of standing up to my dad which he gave me a bad beating in return. I was bleeding but no one cared. No one except my only friend. Naomi Everheart. She's my best friend. When I dont want to stay home I call her and I tell her I'm going to her house for a month. I do this almost every month. I'm sixteen now, my father still abuses me I dont know why. Doesn't it get old? Apparently not to him. He obviously likes seeing me in pain. Seeing me struggle.

I wanna be free and I wanna be loved. Sigh, it never happens to me though the only people that actually like me are Naomi and her family. I like them too. They make me happy. But the happiness is getting old. I need something exciting to happen. Like a mysterious new person or strange deaths occurring. It better happen soon. Sadly nothing happens here in Chicago. It mostly rains. Sometimes there's sunshine. Hopefully something interesting happens soon. So that was just a little info about my life. I know, its pretty fucked up, but that's what I have to deal with.

Oh and by the way I was born in England but my parents decided to move to Chicago for some reason so I have this accent that people seem to like. The teens in England are more polite than these teens in Chicago. They're so mean. Some are nice to me though. Anyways thats my life hope I didn't bore you to death with my horrible life.


*A/N: Hiya I believe this chapter was boring, very boring, but I think you should get to know the character a little before getting into the real story. So, there will be introduction chapters for characters. I'm a horrible author so I would like to dedicate this story to friend uh you'll see her name somewhere near the chapter select bar. She helped me with the plot of this story so I shall turn her ideas into.....words I guess haha. Anyways, uh vote, comment, I dont care what kind of comment it is I'll read through em. So,uh, yea, bye until next time my friends. SavingRockAndRoll signing off. ✌

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