Dawn Granger and The Hunter: Actors

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Here are the final main characters for season one, Dawn Granger and The Hunter.

Amanda Seyfried as Dawn Granger: Dawn Granger is the 27 year old eldest daughter of Zachary Granger. She is a resourceful young woman who knows how to get what she wants. She is tech savvy but also loves sports and competition. She went to college to study law on request from her father but doesn't wish to become a lawyer. She recently returned to town and currently works at a convenience store. She lives in an apartment by herself a little ways from the courthouse.

Adam Rayner as The Hunter: The Hunter is a mysterious hitman hired by D'Khan to help kill Hawk and Dove. He wears special armor to protect him and slightly increase his strength and speed. The Hunter is a free spirit that goes where the money is. He doesn't have any special reason for wanting to kill Hawk and Dove other than for the money.

Tell me what you guys think of the actors and the characters they will portray.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2016 ⏰

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