Did..did he just flirt with me? Is that what it was?

Why would he flirt with you, though? I mean, look at you! You're a 16 year old freak who hasn't grown since fifth grade. Name one person who is into that.

But, he did say it to me in a complete flirtatious way, right? Why else would he undress me? He does have a thing for guys, so why can't it be me?

Do you even hear yourself, Karkat? Are you even fully awake? Slap yourself!

Yes, I am fully awake, dumbass. And no, I am certainly not going to slap myself, are you fucking insane?

Slap yourself!

Why would I ever consider slapping myself?

Fuck you, conscious!

I threw my covers off of myself and got up, stomping my way to the bathroom. I can't believe I admitted to myself that I had feelings towards Strider! I was probably just tired, right? Tired people say stupid things, right?

Yeah, that's it, I was just tired. Nothing out of the ordinary.

But for fucks sake I've kissed the guy more than necessary!

It shouldn't even be necessary!

Kisses don't need to be shared with someone you love, right?

I doubt it.

Dave is just an ordinary human being that I happen to find attractive, that is absolutely it. I am attracted to him only for his appearance. Besides the fact that I have considered maybe I might have some sort of liking towards Dave, I'm leaning more towards hate than love. Even if I may or may not like him, I wouldn't even dare to confess it, let alone try to make some sort of affectionate pass at him. Although I know that he likes men for a fact, I am not in that men catagory. I'm more in the 'short ugly smartass who can't figure out his life' catagory.

Besides, even if I did make it that far, he deserves more than this, all I have to offer if sarcastic comments and constant ranting, which is not necessarily something people look for in a guy. Or anyone, for that matter.


Be the one who got slightly turned on:

I walked out of the room Karkat was staying in, making sure I didn't stepped on the many passed out bodies lying on the floor.

Should I wait for him to come out? I mean, he sounded uncormfortable when I dropped him off earlier, as if he were angry and something, or someone, which sounds more reasonable. Despite the fact that Karkat is mad at the universe itself, he sounded a bit more off.

I was hoping this wouldn't be an option, but it all makes sense.

What if he saw me with John last night? I mean, he was in the car fast asleep, which was a horrible idea cosidering the fact that I slammed the car door last night. What if he woke up? What if he saw John and I...


Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

How could I be so stupid? How could I honestly think Karkat wouldn't wake up?

Now, as idiotic as this sounds, I did not go to John for him to say and/or do things to me that were very inapropriate, I went to him, directly at his house, at 3 in the fucking morning, to tell him in his fucking face to stay the hell away from Karkat. I specifically said not to touch him, look at him, breathe anywhere around him, and not to be around him in general. Not even think about him.

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