Chapter 2

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                I couldn't break my promise to Steven, especially after having everyone hear what was said to me, so I had the girls spend the night. We walked into the house, locking every door to the outside, every window and then my bedroom door.

"We aren't taking any chances boo." Eris said sitting on my bed. Angel closed the shades and curtains in my room and then took a seat next to Eris and Serena. I shook my head, falling into my beanbag chair. I couldn't understand why this was happening to me, I was quiet at school; no one really knew me outside of my small group of friends, I had one girl who hated me but she wouldn't do this to me, we have a truce...for now anyway. I closed my eyes in frustration, tears streaming down my face; I just wanted to be normal for once. As I stopped the tears from falling and opened my eyes I saw Serena putting my phone to her ear.

"What are you doing?!" I asked, jumping to my feet.

"Shut up. I know what I'm doing."

"You're provoking a psycho!" I shut up as she turned on speaker phone; he answered the same way as usual, heavy breathing and a low masculine voice.

"You have time for them but not me? You promised forever, what happened to forever Evie? You lied to me." I couldn't speak; I couldn't find the words to say. "Come back to me Evie, I promise I won't be mad at you anymore if you just come home." I shook my head, this time I couldn't force the tears back. Serena slammed the phone shut angrily after saying something I couldn't quite make out.

The girls had all fallen asleep but some tapping at the window woke me up, I heard something moving outside so I snuck out of my room and quietly opened the front door, there he was standing there. He cupped my mouth with his hand.

"I'm not here to kidnap you, just return what I have taken." He handed me my diary with a smirk on his face. "Just remember I can and will do everything and anything to take back what's mine...and that's you baby." He kissed my cheek and returned to the darkness.

"Who was that?" Eris asked stepping out of my room and looking at me as I shut the door. I showed her my diary, pages were missing. "Was it him?" she asked angrily, yanking me away from the door.

The next day, after deleting all my gamer tags, emails, and social Medias to protect myself, the doorbell rang again.

"It's probably the pizza man, I'll go get it." Eris said jumping off of the bed, it wasn't the pizza man; it was a little boy no older than seven with a rather large package in his hands.

"Is there anyone named Evie here???" he asked in a squeaky voice

"I'm Evie." I said peaking around Eris's shoulder to see the boy, he looked scared.

"He said to give you this, or else I'll never see my daddy again, so please just take it." He started crying I reached for the package.

Would this man stop at no ends to torture me, was he getting off on my fear or something?!

It didn't matter what was in that package, I couldn't let anyone else get hurt when I was his target. We sat in my room, it was very dark, almost too dark to see what was inside the box, but I knew the smell of blood and I knew what hair felt like. Something was very wrong about the contents of this package. It was a head, but not just any head; it was my mother's head. I couldn't scream, that's what he wanted, I just put it back in the box and closed my eyes, tears burning down my face. The light flickered on and I was able to read the page that had been stapled to the box, it was from my diary.

"Mom'snever around anymore, I'm practically raising myself. I hate her for it. Idon't want this responsibility, I'm a teenager, we're supposed to have fun, notcook dinner for a family that is never there." On the bottom of the note in redmarker it said "she's home now."

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