Part One Fixing Blue

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When your broken down sitting in a chair at the police station, it usually means two things 1: your probably in trouble with the law 2:something bad happened to you.

The second one is me, broken down crying my eyes out, crazy to think this would happen to me. I remember yesterday I was a graduated student, not needing to go to high-school anymore. I was going to go to college to become a teacher.

That idea will never happen now.

"Miss Miller, will you please come in now" the police man said as I got up slowly taking my time to the interrogation room. I was going to die today, so close.

I walked into a small square room, grey. A little rectangular desk sat in the middle with two chairs on either side. I sat down in the plastic chair the one opposite to the police man.

"Hello Miss Miller, I am Mr. Wilson. A police officer here" he paused to look down at his clip board. "I guess we will just begin, will you please recount the events leading up to the incident" he looked at me, his light brown eyes burning into my boring blue ones, I sighed wiping tears from my eyes as I began talking.

"well I guess I had just left my house, I was going to the mall to meet up with my best friend Amy, my older sister Mya wanted to drive me but I told her that I would rather walk" I frowned a little why didn't I let her drive me...

"so I was walking down Ingleside street when I passed an alley and saw three men there, I stopped because I noticed one had a gun and was pointing it at the other guy." I felt tears streaming down my face. "why didnt you call the police?" Mr Wilson asked me. My mind was blank "i-i don't know I kind of froze when I saw the men there" I shuddered remembering what happened. "ok keep going then" Mr Wilson said nodding.

"It looked like the guy with the gun was yelling at the other guy beside him, which I think was his accomplice" I paused and took in a sharp breath then continued. "then he brought the gun up to the now crying man's forehead, I too started crying whatching what was unfolding before me. The guy with the gun then said something to the crying man and a few seconds later pulled the trigger and the crying man crumpled down, I yelled in shock" the stupidest thing I could do.

Then Mr Wilson handed me a tissue box, I didn't even realise I was crying. Continuing while dabbing the corners of my eyes with the tissue  "s-so then I was frozen in spot my vision blurry, I saw them come running at me. The guy with the gun dragged me by the arm towards their van and pushed me against the wall," I started crying more not wanting to talk anymore, but I knew I had to.

"um so then the guy pointed the gun against my head and said 'if I scream he would kill me' they then began undressing me... Um well after, they both raped me" I burst out crying bringing my legs up against my stomach I wrapped my arms around them and kept talking through tears.

"I am so sorry for this miss miller" Mr Wilson said looking sympathetic, I nodded and kept talking "so after they were you know done, he threatened me and said if I told anyone about this they would come and find me and we'll, kill me" I muffled my mouth to not cry. " I don't really remember what else happened I remember getting hit with something hard and falling unconscious" I looked down tears falling.

I felt embarrassed, then Mr Wilson said something "you were found by this couple, they said you were laying naked and unconscious, on the cement. Bleeding" I looked up and felt the bump were I got hit, I cringed when it hurt.. "can I see my family now?" he nodded and escorted me out of the room. I saw my mom crying, my sister Mya rubbing her back, I ran into my mother's arms, not wanting to leave.

"Hey baby girl you okay? " I hugged her harder and shook my head. "I want to go home" I cried more. She nodded. But before we left Mr Wilson came to us and began talking. "miss Miller because of what happened to you, we believe the two men you described might come looking for you if They find out you told police, we will have to put you in the witness protection program. We will contact you about the information later." my mom nodded and we walked to the car got in and drove away.




Till next time.


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