Crazy - Prologue

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"Lukey, what's wrong?" My young fragile boyfriend asked as we cuddled in my bed. My arm was wrapped around his waist tightly as we watched 'Scream 2'.

"Just kinda triggering.." I stated through gritted teeth. Michael grabbed the remote from the floor, changing the channel to some stupid show on Adult Swim.

"Do you need a pill?" He asked, turning over to face me. The worn out, tanned sweater paws grazed my cheek.

"Y-You should leave.." I muttered, my fists tightening. A sad expression snapped across both of our faces but Michael shook it away, planting a soft kiss to my lips.

"Text me later?" He spoke softly, standing up and grabbing his things. I nodded, sitting up and swinging my legs over the edge of the bed.

"I'm sorry.." I held my tired head in my hands. "I don't want to hurt you my love.." His warm lips connected to my forehead before leaving my room.

I fell back down on my bed, back first, and rubbed my eyes.

"I don't want you to die.." I mumbled, letting the rage run through my veins.


Hey guys :)
I'm so sorry I haven't been on, a lots been going on this past year and I haven't had time to keep all this up. But I've logged in today to post all of my drafts for you guys, and possibly to start writing again. What would you all like to see get updated? Thank you for your continued support <3

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