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S~ Hey wanna hang out today?
S~ I'm free we can hang out any time
S~ you know it's my birthday today we could do something fun
S~ I promise it won't be boring like my last birthday
S~ is this about Cassidy?
S~ I was happy because she agreed to sing with me in my new song so I kissed her on the cheek it didn't mean anything I swear
S~ ok well since you're not answering I'm gonna go over the jacks house
S~ bye

I got up from my bed and threw on a beanie. I grabbed my keys and made sure my phone was in my pocket before I left my house.

I arrived at the jacks house in about 5 minutes. I knocked on the door and waited for them to open it. I heard footsteps getting closer to the door and hushed whispers near the door.

The door opened for me to see Taylor for like two seconds until everything goes dark. I start screaming because I didn't now what was happening.

Hey guys it's Jules sorry that this is so short but if you like it then I did something right!
Part 2?
Leave me a comment if you want me to write you a story (it will be longer than this one... If you want)😁😁

                                 -Peace to my haters✌️

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