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(Wildcat's p.o.v)
I smile as Delirious clutches (Y/N) close to him. I can tell that he loves her. I'm glad someone makes him happy. I have to admit, I was a little skeptical that (Y/N) would really make Delirious happy. Now I see that I was wrong to doubt her.
I watch as Delirious slowly pulls away from (Y/N), and I catch a faint glimpse of the scars on his left eye before he quickly pulls his mask back over his face. (Y/N) wraps her arms around Delirious's waist, supporting him as they walked back to us. Moo laughs at them as they come through the trees. (Y/N) glares at him. "And just what," (Y/N) snarls, "do you think you're laughing at? Mister sunset tank top?"
"Ooooooohhhhh!," I say as Moo's face becomes red.
"I was just laughing because I can't believe how cute you and (Y/N) are together," Moo says.
"Oh," Delirious says, "that makes sense. . .I guess." Suddenly, Basically bursts out of the bushes.
"Where these wolves at?!," Basically shouts.
"We killed them," Mini says, sitting on the ground and cleaning the wolf blood off of himself. Basically throws his knife down in frustration.
"Wait," Basically says, "did you just say you killed them?" Mini nods.
"Which by the way Mini," (Y/N) says, "I didn't think you could fight so well. You really surprised me."
"Sometimes the nicest of guys can turn out to be the deadliest." The guys and I flinch at that, but (Y/N) smiles.
"To true," (Y/N) says. As we're all heading home, I look at Delirious.
"By the way Delirious, you can stop wearing the mask. We all know what you look like," I say. I'm taken by surprise when Delirious starts to shake and huddles close to (Y/N). (Y/N) glares at me, I just smile back.

(Your p.o.v)
I glare at Wildcat, then turn to Delirious. "Shh Delirious," I say softly. "It's okay. You don't have to take your mask off." Suddenly, Delirious grabs my hand and lifts me onto his back, then takes off down the road. At first I'm surprised that he can even do that. I mean, I'm a solid 120 pounds and he just became Sonic, with me on his back. After a few moments, though, I come back to reality and grip Delirious's shoulders as he practically becomes a human Nascar.
Soon, we stop outside Delirious's house. He practically throws me through his bedroom window, then Call Of Duty style duck and rolls in after me. He slams his window shut, then leaps under his bed sheets. I walk over and crawl in next to him. Delirious instantly wraps his arms around me. "Babe," he asks, "what am I gonna do?" I slide my hands under his shirt and put pressure on his abs.
"You're gonna be okay," I murmur. "It's gonna be okay." Delirious begins crying into my shoulder.
"It's can't believe I almost lost you," he says quietly. "And it was my fault. I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hit you! Please don't leave me! I can't lose you!" I rub his side soothingly.
"It's okay Delirious," I say, laying my head on his chest. Delirious clutches me tightly. "I'm not going anywhere," I whisper. Delirious rubs my back lovingly.
"Thank you," he says. I nod, the warmth of the heavy blankets and Delirious's body causing me to drift off. I close my eyes slowly, smiling as I hear Delirious snoring softly in my ear.
Sorry this was a little short! I ran out of ideas! But hey, it's out early! So cut me some slack!

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