chapter 2

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2 years later

Thanks for listening to vixx's voodoo doll. And that's the end of the program. Catch me next week same time.

'Hyung amazing right. Everyone still loves our song. Its been 2 years hyung and people still want to listen to it. ' , hyuk cries out.

'Hahaha de. We need to continue like that. Our latest comeback has to be like this as well. Let's take a selca hyuk-ah ' , N takes out his phone and tries to take a picture with hyuk

'Ahh hyung wae? People will start to think i care for you again ' , hyuk tries to avoids the phone

' ahh its fine. Its all for the starlights ' , N says as he grabs hyuk playfully

Hyuk grabs N's wrist but then the bracelet on N's wrist breaks.

' oh no. It broke. I have to fix this. ' , N cries out

' hyung its just a bracelet, you've been wearing it for the past 2 years. You can buy 100 bracelets like this ' hyuk reports diligently.

' well this is my favourite and its somewhat very special to me hyuk-ah. You wouldn't understand. ' N says sadly

' is it special because of _____ noona? I remember seeing this on her hands before she quit. ' hyuk asks

' yeah. I gave this to her in 6th grade. You should have seen her when she was a kid, she was the dorkiest person but also one of the only person who hung out with me. After i got into dancing i guess my popularity grew but she was my number 1 fan. I got this for her birthday. I actually had a massive crush on her that time. ' N says while trying to fix the bracelet.

'Omo hyung. Does she know about this? Please tell me you told her. Wait if you told her then why did she quit? And why do you have her bracelet? I think this is a case for detective hyuk! ' hyuk says jokingly

' yah.... '

' okay we have reached the company. The rest of members are already in the practice room and you both are late. So practice hard for your comeback. The CEO will come in later and give his thoughts on the choreography so make sure its perfect. N im counting on you to make sure the choreo is fantastic. ' the manager said as he dropped both of you

The members practiced earnestly for their February comeback. They were singing an old song but putting their twist on it. Nobody know whether it would be a success or a failure. The CEO approved of the choreography. The members practiced till late in the night, they were all exhausted. Leo suggested a coffee shop nearby. He needed the usual caffeine rush.

'Hello........ ' , ken calls out

' ohh sorry but we are closing ' , a voice calls out from the back

' please we are exhausted and we need some nourishment right now or else we will faint and we are idols that too. It will be a major disappointment to the fans if we dont deliver ' ken gives a dramatic performance

' hahaha alright. Please dont faint. We dont want anyone fainting in front of our shop. Please take a seat. Someone will come and take your order ' a smiling woman says rolling her eyes

' hello my name is ______ and here is the menu....... ' , you start off but gets interrupted by N

' _____ ' , N says suprised

' hakyeon . Hey. How have you been? You look amazing. Sweaty but still amazing. ______ look its vixx. Remember how we very singing along to error just yesterday and voodoo doll today ' you say excitingly

'_____ ' N just repeats

' oops sorry. I need to take your order. So what will it be? '  you ask

All the members give their order except N who doesnt even want to look at your direction. You give them their drink, they pay and they leave.

' omo why him? The one person who i have successfully avoided all these years and i meet him today. ' you say regrettably

' are you okay? Hey. Listen how long will you be running away from him? You picked this spot right next to their company also so you can atleast see him from afar. As your best friend i say stop running. Wait do you still love him? ' your friend asks

' yes i still do. I never stopped. It took all of my self control that day when he confessed i just wanted to hug him and just kiss him. But my job conditions were that there was supposed to be no relationship between the member and me ' you say

' but wait then you quit your job right so you could have just accepted his confession and you also got have proposed. ' your friend says

' i did but it wasnt the correct situation. See when i was a stylist i knew how busy his schedule was. He had no time for a vacation itself but that wasnt my issue. I having been for so many years . Performing has been his dream and i cant be a hindrance to that dream.  ' you say

' okay i understand but then make sure what you did wasnt a mistake. He deserves to know the truth _____ . You completely avoided him and that isnt fair on his part . ' you friend says while closing up

'I get it. One day ill explain why i did what i did. Now lets go. Im so tired now. ' you drag you friend

The next day

' N focus!! The comeback is in a week and i cant have anybody messing up. You are the leader you messed up every single dance practice you had and also forgot the lyrics. Take a break or something but please don't come back until you get your head straight ' the manager screams

' hyung is everything okay? You have been slightly on the jumpy side since yesterday. Is it because of ______ noona ? ' hongbin asks

' aineyo im just extremely tired, i think need some sleep. ' N replies

' hyung you are like the hardest worker among all of us. If you give us the excuse like im tired you know it definitely wouldnt sound believable ' , ravi says

' yah stop bothering N. He already isnt having a good day and us breathing upon his neck isnt going to help ' leo says glaring at everyone

All the members except leo reluctantly leave N alone

' hmm hakyeon how do you feel after seeing ____?  ' , leo enquires
' i dont know. A part of me felt happy upon seeing her and another part of me had too many questions to ask her . I dont know what to do. Im not able to concentrate at all ' N says closing his eyes

' hmmm go talk to her ' , leo says

' what?? No way. Should i? After what she did? ' N replies back suprised

' yes. She might have an explanation for why she left without a reason. And i see the bracelet is not on your wrist. Ive never seen you take it off. ' leo says looking at your wrist

' yeah it broke so i sent it for repair. You think she would talk to me? ' N says rubbing his neck

' well you cant take no for an answer anyway. You know how to annoy someone very well. So i know you will make her talk ' leo says

' well im glad you finally understood me leo-ah ' N says giving leo a hug

' and we are back! I really think its time for another cup of coffee ' leo says pushing N away

' i guess so ' N says standing up

N decides its time to talk to her once again. Even if she doesnt have feelings for him atleast they could be friends. She was the best friend anybody can ask for. The coffee shop was nearby so it didnt take long. He opens the door and enters...

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