Cara Cant Believe It (Part 8)

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wow final chapter I'm kinda glad because i feel really bad when i don't update. anyway thanks for all the views comments and votes this has to be most successful fanfic and i  have all of you to thank.

thanks again. your all beautiful.

When we pulled away Remus had tears in his eyes and a sad smile formed on his lips.

"Remy what's the matter are you ok? You don't like me do you? Merlin I'm so stupid"

Of course Remus doesn't like me like that I'm just the clumsy, dumb girl he tutored. I pulled my eyes away from his beautiful amber ones, false hope, i shouldn't have been so bold.

"No Cara of course i like you. Cara... look at me." I couldn't i turned and walked out the already open door. Making my way through the empty halls i pushed open the main doors and froze as the ice cold air hit me.

Pulling up my socks over the bottom of my sweatpants i stepped into the ankle deep snow. Water seeped into my slippers as i trudged towards the black lake. The cold's never bothered me, (the cold doesn't bother me anyway. sorry not sorry) well it cant when your constantly cold blooded, and no I'm not a vampire. (i kinda hate that cliché) i was just born that way kinda a side effect of having an elemental as a parent.

Everyone has a secret and that's mine I'm half elemental, that's why i love winter and one of the main reasons i stay at hogwarts. But other than that I'm pretty boring, just a plain Jayne. (my middle name whoo sorry I'll stop)

I sat making roses out of the ice around me, knowing no one would dare to venture out this early and especially in this weather.

But like always i was wrong.


Flinching at the volume of the screaming voice i turned and came face to face with my older brother. 

"Ashton, hey, how are you, aren't you cold? wait of course your not you a fire elemental. Any way lovely chat bye."

"Cara." His voice held warning and i knew not to walk away.

I turned to spot four other figures walking down through the snow. well three walking one looked as if they were being dragged.

As the figures neared i identified the first three to be my brothers best friends Luke, Calum and Mikey (give it up for 5SOS, sorry i was stuck for names).

"Hey boys, who you got there?" Suddenly Remus was pulled from behind them. 

I turned to Ashton with pleading eyes, he raised his eyebrows and shook his head. "Talk to him."

There was no question and with that the four boys walked off. A gentle tap was felt on my shoulder and i turned to meet two beautiful amber orbs.

"Cara I really need to talk to you, its important." he paused looking at me for confirmation, i nodded for him to continue not trusting my voice. "i like you a lot Cara but," Here it comes. "I can't be with you, i can't confirm your safety if you stay with me and i could never put you in danger like that. Just forget about me, move on, for your sake."

Can you hear that, that's the sound of my heart shattering. But I can't give up that easily, No Way I've fought to hard for this.

"What can be so bad that i need protecting, I'm a big girl Remus, i don't need to be babied..."

"i know"

"Then why cant you give this a chance, What is so big that your scared to give me a chance, huh Remus. Why?"


My eyes widened as he finished, sweet, smart, caring Remus, the same Remus that folds his socks is a werewolf. 

"just stay away Cara I'm bad for you. Anyway I'm sure Luke has a thing for you he swung for me when he saw I'd made you cry. Just let go Cara, live a long and happy life, get an amazing job, get married have a beautiful family and just forget." 

With that he walked back up the hill, scarf trailing behind him.

So close, but so far away. 

i couldn't believe it, its all gone all for nothing, i guess it wouldn't have worked anyway, who am i kidding, i loved him.

Sorry that was a rubbish ending but that was always gonna be the way for those two how else would he secretly date Sirius then marry Tonks. 

Anyway this is the end of this story but the first in what i hope will be a  good series sooo suggestions for the next book i guess, what game should they play next, and if you like stuff like this you should check out the mischief managers on YouTube their challenges are hilarious and they do them all as the marauders sooo. 

I will probably go through this one day and try and correct any mistakes i have made but for now

thanks for sticking 


Mischief Managed


Marauders: Truth or Dare [completed]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें