Marley May Need Saving (Part 7)

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ok really sorry for the late updates I've just not had the time with my exams and all my school work but luckily i now have a week off from school where hopefully i can get this fanfiction finished.

I sat on my bed waiting for Sirius, the longer I waited the more I realised I cant do this. i felt tears spring from eyes and my body began to shake.

The door swung open and Sirius' eyes landed on me and in a split second he was by my side, arms wrapped around me.

"Hey,hey, Marley what's the matter, don't cry, I'm here."

After ten minutes of Sirius' calming whispers i began to settle.

I looked up at Sirius my eyes glazed.

"Ok Marlene are you going to tell me what's the matter?"

I went to open my mouth but my breath hitched, I shook my head. He sighed softly and scooted closer to me taking my hands in his.

"Ok so can i tell you?"

I looked up scared, surely Sirius didn't know not even Lily or Alice knew. This time I managed to speak.

"W...What are. you talking about?" 

Sirius held my face between his hands and looked dead into my eyes. I saw it swirling through his steel grey eyes, understanding.

"Marlene i know, i could tell from a mile away, please just let me help you."

I stood up rage coursing through my veins.

"Help me!  Tell me Black how do you know what I'm going through.How are you,of all people going to help me!" 

I couldn't help it I've built up a reputation of being the strong Gryffindor bad girl and right now my walls were crumbling. I looked back at Sirius to see his face mirroring mine his eyes dark with rage.

"I know nothing do I McKinnon.  I'm just Sirius Black the Gryffindor man whore, I don't have feeling or family problems course I don't. You know for a smart girl Marley you can be quite stupid. "

i stood gob smacked i didn't know what to say other than.


"sometimes sorry isn't good enough sometimes you have to think about what you've done before you do it."

I nodded, ashamed, what was i thinking. But something was bugging me.

"Sirius, how did you know?"

He looked up from his hands.

"Because my parents beat me too and until Easter break i thought id never get out. But then i left, escaped, took all my stuff and went the potters."

i nodded understanding and for the first time someone knew,they did't just act as if they did, they genuinely understood and that made me fall for him all over again.

"Marley let me help you, you can come and live with the potters, I'm sure they wouldn't mind and of course id..."

i stood there smiling as Sirius rambled on. And i knew right there i could let my walls down because Marley may need saving.

sorry if this is a bit depressing but i had this idea and i really wanted to bring it down to earth instead of everyone just doing it 

hope its ok after a month of not writing



Marauders: Truth or Dare [completed]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz