Chapter 2.

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Hi guys, Crunchie17 and OfficialSkittleLover here and we hope you like Chapter 2 of our joint story! A quick note: We're sorry for those fans of Aragorn/Arwen pairings instead Arwen is going to be already married and Aragorn and her are only friends. Please comment, vote and fan/follow both of us on our separate accounts! Without further ado... please enjoy Chapter 2!


Chapter 2- The Journey To Rivendell.

*Fia's POV*

My eye's snapped open and my memories from last night replayed in my head. I groaned when I realised that I forgot to pack last night because I felt asleep. I grabbed the pillow from beneath my head and I threw it across the room at Willow's sleeping form. She woke up startled and looked around the room frantically until her eyes landed on my smirking face. She narrowed her eyes at me, and asked, "What the hell was that for?"

"You didn't wake me up last night when I fell asleep, and now I have to rush around to get packed in time." I said. I lifted myself off the ground and made my way toward's my bag which was at the bottom of my bed. I began to pack up my things I took; two pairs of shorts; four T-Shirts; two pairs of trousers; two pairs of shoes; two dresses; my armour; hair brush; my bow and quiver with thirty arrows within it; and my blanket which was my mum's; and some other things I may need. As I was putting the last thing's in my bag, Blaze jumped into the bag and sat down. "No Blaze, your not allowed to come." I said with a sigh. I glanced at Willow who was changing into her dress, not paying me any attention. I then turned to Blaze with a grin, and hid him in the pocket. "Be very quiet." I whispered to him. He nodded excitedly and hid deeper into the pocket. Blaze and Willow's black stallion, Shadow, could understand me and Willow perfectly. I then changed into some trousers and a woolly jumper, and I put on some riding boots. I hid a little dagger in my shoe just in case I run out of arrows. I then picked my bag up, and placed it on my back and turned my attention to Willow. "Ready?" I asked.

"Yes." Said Willow as she strapped her sword to her belt. She was wearing a dark green long-sleeved dress and brown, leather riding boots.

"Lets go then." I said, as I followed Willow out of the room.

We walked into the courtyard where Shadow and a white horse called Roger were being saddled for us.

Willow walked towards Shadow and began to pet him. "Where's Blaze?" She asked me.

"Um.. my dad took him home this morning." I replied.

Willow shook her head at me as she fastened her bag to Shadow's saddle. I know that she knows I'm sneaking Blaze with me but I know that she understands. Willow mounted Shadow as I mounted Roger. The only people to see us off were Riley and Terry.

"Good luck Will, Hot Head. We'll see you when you get back." Riley said, giving us a smile.

Willow said, "I'm going to miss you guy's and your pranks."

"Stay out of trouble." I said, grinning. Knowing that they wouldn't do what I said.

"No can do." They said grinning.

They moved out of the way and we galloped off into the forest on our horses.

*Willow's POV*

As we began to ride through the forest I raised my hand and using my powers I made the trees move out of our way creating a path for us to ride down.

"Show off." Said Fia teasingly.

"Whatever." I replied."And I know you've snuck Blaze into your bag so you might as well let him out so he doesn't suffocate."

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