Chapter 1.

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Hi guys, Crunchie17 and OfficialSkittleLover here and we hope you like Chapter 1 of our joint story! Please comment, vote and fan/follow both of us on our separate accounts! Without further ado... please enjoy Chapter 1! (This story will be mostly in Fia's and Willow's Point of View)


Chapter 1- Preparing For The Quest.

*Willow's POV*

"Will you hurry up otherwise we will be late for the meeting." I said to Fia, who was purposely taking her time getting ready.

"I'm getting ready as fast as I can." Snapped Fia.

"Don't snap at me!" I said. I walked over to my window and I looked out across my realm, I saw many noblemen and women entering the meeting hall. "See some people are already arriving."

"I'm ready now, chill out. Let's go." Fia said, as she grabbed my hand pulling me out of the room.

Standing outside the door was my personal guard Riley and Fia's guard Terrence. Riley was a foot taller than me, and incredibly buff. He was quite good-looking with his blue eyes and messy blonde hair. Whilst Terrence was lanky but still just as strong. He had multiple burn marks on his arms and neck because once when he was training with Fia when she was little she lost her temper. Terrence actually said that he liked the burn marks because it makes him look more dangerous. He has brown hair and brown eyes. Riley and Terrence were both much older than Fia and I and they were known as the two most fiercest fighters in our realms. Terrence and Riley have been our personal trainers since we could fight, my brother Caspian also taught me until he went missing last year and was thought to be dead. Riley and Terrence are not as intimidating as they appear, in fact they are quite the opposite for example the way they like to play pranks on the other guards with us.

"Hello Will." Said Riley, who was smirking at me.

"It's Willow!" I said, glaring at him.

"Whatever Will" Replied Riley, who I just ignored as I turned my attention to the other two.

"Hey hot head." Terrence greeted Fia.

Fia stomped her foot hard on Terrence's foot which caused me to laugh. Terrence then hopped around holding his foot, making me laugh harder.

"Don't call me that Terry." Fia huffed.

"Come on or else we'll be late for the meeting." Riley stated, while guiding us down the ivory covered corridor.

"Don't start with that. Willow's already been nagging me this morning about being late." Said Fia.

"Haha I bet." Said Riley laughing.

"We've got you both a surprise." Terrence said, grinning in our direction.

We both looked confused, and I asked, "What is it?"

"You'll see." Riley smirked.

We walked across the courtyard, and into the meeting room. As we entered someone announced our arrival, and people stood and bowed to us as we entered before carrying on with their conversations. Riley and Terry guided us toward's our thrones and stood beside's us protectively. All of the Realms King's and Queen's were here, as well as the other two princesses. The two other princesses, Aura and Taylor, were sat in the corner giggling and smirking at us. I looked at Fia who had also seen them. A servant offered Taylor and Aura two goblets which they took gratefully.

"Keep watching." Riley whispered into my ear.

Aura and Taylor sipped from their goblets before they spat it across the room. People stood nearby gasped and looked at them disgustingly. Me and Fia couldn't help but laugh at them.

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