"Oh, wow, Nath. Is that like your best line?" Sofia mocked trying hard not to laugh at loud.

Nathan's eyes narrowed. "Says the girl who blushes for the word hi."

They were about to have a full blown fight when they were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. Nathan and Sofia looked up and immediately straightened. "Alpha." They greeted bowing their heads in respect.

The Alpha only nodded at them. He turned his attention to his four children instead. "Boys, Isabelle." He called taking the boys away from their mind link conversation.

"Dad." They greeted at the same time.

"I'm excusing myself for a little bit. I will leave the barbecue in your hands." He told them in his low voice commanding voice.

The boys nodded. Isabelle, on the other hand, smiled knowing where he was about to go. Just when she was about to excuse herself, a strong smell suddenly hit her. It was the most amazing smell she's ever taken in. She sniffed again distractedly. It was so alluring that it was frustrating her.

"Who enjoys smelling now?" Max retorted a grin on his face as he watched Isabelle sniff the air.

Isabelle only smiled at him giving him her signature shrug. "Like you said, it comes with being a powerful werewolf." Isabelle phased out on the conversation, getting captivated by the smell yet again. It then hit her. She had to leave now to listen in on the meeting her father was having with the Blood Howlers. Stupid distracting scent.

Excusing herself, Isabelle set off towards her house. Isabelle waves off her usual guards and Trevor telling them that she had to go to the little girls' bathroom. She knew she had to be extremely quiet knowing her father would have an extra ear out for eavesdroppers. Surprisingly, the smell was getting stronger as she entered the back door. Isabelle couldn't remember smelling this before she left for the party. Isabelle stopped abruptly when she reached the dark hallway that lead to her father's study. She could smell it even more now. It was making her wolf giddy and frustrated at the same time. What or who could have this captivating smell? It was almost intoxicatingly good.

Isabelle could hear voices now. The door of her father's study was open slightly. She crept soundlessly through the halls the scent and the voices getting even louder. Isabelle silently thanked the moon goddess for making werewolves soundless predators. She stopped then when she was right beside the door.

"Alpha Bancroft, let me get this straight. Are you warning me that the rogues that have banding together and have been attacking packs?" She could hear her father say. He sounded shocked yet it was hidden by well masked voice.

"Yes." It was then that Isabelle's heart stopped. That voice... It was something altogether. The voice was husky yet something else entirely. She couldn't fully comprehend and it was only one word. It was taking her a lot not to pop her head through the door frame to look at the man who owned such an amazing voice. Isabelle then realized that the smell was coming from this so called Alpha Bancroft. Could it be? Is this man truly the Alpha of the most vicious and heartless pack? He sounded civil yet you could tell just by his voice that he was truly an Alpha and a powerful one at that.

"Why are you warning me of this?" Her father asked sounding enthralled. She could picture him leaning down on his table. "Are you looking for an alliance?"

There was silence. "I don't make alliances with anyone." Alpha Bancroft replied in a low powerful voice. There was an edge to his tone. He was young she thought to herself- for an Alpha. The most powerful Alpha in the world sounded like he was in his twenties give or take.

Isabelle suddenly realized that she hasn't seen any sort of guard in the halls. Did he come alone? Was he that powerful that the Alpha didn't need backup? She closed her eyes and concentrated. There were about six heart beats. Three of them, she recognized as her father's, their Beta and the third in command. She could easily pin point the other Alpha's heart beat for it was strong and steady. The other two she guessed were his Beta and his third. Regardless, to venture into another packs territory with only three people? It was unheard of.

"I don't understand." Isabelle heard her father say he sounded shocked still. She could imagine him shaking his head.

"I owed you." Alpha Bancroft replied simply.

"Because of my warning for you when you were first appointed Alpha?" Her father asked. Isabelle never thought that her father was friendly with the Blood Howlers. When the other Alpha didn't reply she heard her father sigh. "Gavin, I know it was hard for you to come here and warn me. I'm ever grateful but as I've told you before you didn't have to repay me."

It was silent then until she heard someone sniff. She felt her heart drop. "Someone's here." Isabelle froze suddenly hearing a loud powerful growl that made her wolf steer. Her heart started pounding inside her chest then. Desperately, Isabelle tried to even out her breathing. She was sure everyone in the room would be able to hear her now.

Isabelle didn't have time to react. She was suddenly yanked from the side and pulled up by this towering, mysteriously dark and broad shouldered masculine man. The man was no doubt the most handsome man she's ever seen before. He had dark messy black hair that fell just above his electrifying amber eyes. She let out a soft 'eeep' followed by struggling with the man's iron grip on her wrist.

Alpha Gavin Bancroft stopped then as their eyes met. Isabelle was dangling in midair gasping at the part of her wrist where she could feel sparks. They held each other's gaze as if both couldn't believe what they were seeing. Gavin didn't let go of her wrist despite her trailing around. He kept her eye level with him still caught by her bright grey eyes.

They knew what they were.


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