"What?" She laughs nervously, looking down at her hands.

"I think I love your eyes." I sigh with a wide grin, waiting for her to look at me again.

She laughs a little before looking out of the window, trying to avoid my eyes but I refuse that. I refuse letting my eyes see anything but her blue ones while she is here. I don't think I will ever get enough of them.

Fuck, I'm turning into a sappy, cheesy asshole.

"Look at me, love." I whisper, knowing that she will oblige. When she does however, the waitress comes at our table, making me huff at the disappointment.

"Hello, can I take your order?" She asks.

I look back at Tallulah, who is searching in the menu. "What do you want to eat?"

Tallulah furrows her eyebrows as she looks at something in the menu before saying, "what's a burrito?"

I blink surprisingly at her question, "you've never tried a burrito?"

Her eyes flicker back to the waitress before she shifts uncomfortably in her seat and says in a quiet voice, "no."

I smile slightly before I take her menu away from her and say, "oh boy," I give the menus to the waitress and say, "two chicken burritos, please."

"Any drinks?" I look back at Tallulah who says that she just needs water before the waitress leaves.

"So, you've never tried a burrito?" I ask, smirking.

"No," she laughs lightly. "Care to inform me what is it?"

"Nope," I shake my head. "But you'll be addicted to it."

"Hmm," she hums, looking at me. "We'll see."

My grin is wide and I can't help but duck down and press a light peck to her lips, which takes her by surprise but she quickly recovers from it and smiles. I place her hand over my palm before I press my other palm against her hand, sandwiching it.

"Are you in college?" I ask randomly.

"No," she shakes her head. "I didn't want to join one."

"Why not?" I ask.

She takes her time in answering as she takes a deep breath and says, "I'm not really that kind of person, I guess? I don't like the college life and all that, it's so stressful."

"I agree." I say, nodding.

"Did you go to college?" She asks, sounding genuinely interested.

"No, actually," I shake my head. "Never really had the money, plus I have always wanted to be a tattoo artist, so either way I would have ended up in a parlour."

"Following your dreams, huh?" Tallulah says with a smirk on her face.

"Absolutely." I grin. "What's your favourite place in the world?"

Tallulah purses her lips together as a thinking look settles over her face before she grins and says, "Bora Bora!"

I laugh, "Bora Bora?"

"Yes, oh my," she says excitedly. "Louis, have you seen that place? It's amazing, everything about it is just so magical, and I can't even tell you!"

The way she gushes so excitedly about it is enough to make me the happiest man alive. I feel like she's starting to get more and more comfortable around and it warms me from the inside.

God, I feel like a five year old boy who has just won Santa's presents.

"Have you ever been there?" I question, watching as her smile fades away a little.

"No," she shakes her head. "But maybe someday."

"Someday." I promise, knowing that she has no idea.

"What was your first tattoo?" She questions, looking at my arms.

"The rope." I answer, looking at it.

"Does it mean something?" She smiles.

"I was having such a bad time back then, it was the worst time of my life, so it's like the rope is suffocating me, you know?" I try to explain.

"Yeah," she says quietly as the waitress comes and places our food. "Thank you."

"See, that's fucking delicious." I say, taking a big bite.

"Okay, I'll try it," she says as she too, takes a bite. "Oh my, this is amazing," she says with wide eyes and a mouth full of burritos, making me laugh.

"You're welcome." I smile as we continue our meal.

The rest of the stay in the diner is full of talking, and questions. We get to know each other better, she tells me about her and I tell her about myself. Half of the time is spent me watching the way her lips move, the way she heavenly talks, and the other half of the time is spent me trying to contain myself from kissing her right in the middle of the diner, so I thank God that we are on our way to the parlour now.

Currently, we are talking about stories and how I don't like fiction and how she doesn't mind the 'somehow realistic' part of it. This conversation that we had the other day, the day I first kissed her. What a blissful day that was.

"Yes, but no one completely hates fiction." She says in disbelief.

"I do!" I complain.

"You're lying," she laughs. "You said the other day that you had your fair share of fiction." She smirks and I smile widely at her as we near the parlour.

"Well, I was talking about you," I smirk, watching as her eyes widens a bit and her cheeks flush. "And you're real, aren't you?"

She laughs lightly and rolls her eyes and says, "You're an idiot."

"Sure, sure." I shrug, smiling as I open the door of the parlour and turn the lights on.

"So," Tallulah begins again. "What are we going to do?"

I smirk, "what do you want to do?"

God, I love teasing her, and I admire watching her blushing.

She stares at me for a little while before she gets me, though she doesn't blush, much to my disappointment, she fakes innocence as she says, "I thought you mentioned a movie?"

I give her an amused-shocked look, watching as she gives me a light smirk before turning around to take off her jacket before she places it on a chair. She turns around again, a smirk on her face as she crosses her arms over her chest as she says, "so, the movie?"

I grin, knowing that there is such a different side to Tallulah that I will definitely like to explore later, before I shake my head and leave to get my laptop.

Hope you liked it. Thank you for reading and please, don't forget to vote and comment :) x

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