Chapter 1: Meeting Prince Lord Kenshin and Ninja Fangirled Kasuga

Start from the beginning

Hanako: "Sorry for my rude of my action what I just did and I must tell you something that I'm not from here......." *A silence came in the room*


*She take out many of her kunai and shuriken as Hanako got surprised and a bit frightened but she know how to defend herself*

Kenshin: "Kasuga."

*He says in his soothing tone as Kasuga felt a chill over her spine as her face was a bit red*

Hanako: 'What the HECK happen did she just fangirled right now?'

*talks in her mind and shows a speechless face*

Kasuga: "I'm sorry what I did Lord Kenshin please forgive me for my action or not."

*She put her ninja weapon and bows to apologize for Hanako and him*

Kenshin: "You are forgiven Kasuga."

*he cupping her side cheek smiling warmly at kasuga like if it was shoujo anime as her prince came to kiss her*

Hanako: "Ehem..."

Kenshin: "Oh sorry about that Hanako-chan."

*He sit back down sitting still looking at Hanako and tells Kasuga make tea*

"Your said before you're not from this world in way do you mean?"

@10 Minutes of explaining about she from the future then tells him how she got here@

Kenshin was completely amused with Hanako's story and drank his green tea by the same time as he look and listen to her.

Kasuga was on top of the ceiling listening Hanako's story thinks she psychotic disorder, crazy, and delusional women as she stand guards to see if her lord kenshin needs her.

Kenshin: "If you are from the future will you show me proof?"

*He was curious*

Hanako: *Takes out her cellphone out of school bag and glad she got some stuff from the future. What's inside her bag is her cell phone, solar charger, two extra clothes and undergarment, some textbook and pencil bag, and her Shinai beside her school bag 'Glad I haven't lost my precious shinai.' She turns back to show him her cell phone*

"This in the future is called a cell phone."

Kenshin: "What is a cell phone do?" *He was unsure what it do*

Hanako: "It makes calls, take picture, play games, check time, and some other stuff."

*She takes a picture of kenshin as a flash came to him as he covered his eyes then open them*

Kenshin: "What was that? What that magic?"

Hanako: ¨Hahahaha!¨

*laughing hard and wipe her laughing tears and smiled at Kenshin* ¨Not really but you can say it a bit magic though hard to explain about the future.¨

As Hanako explain some stuff she knew in the future to hope Kenshin understands for Kasuga got jealous of Hanako because Lord Kenshin is smiling happily so much for the first time after the fun talk of the future Kenshin summon Kasuga as came down from the ceiling quick and Hanako was startled a bit and needs to get used to of ninja stuff for now she in the past. Kenshin asked Kasuga when the Takeda Clan their next plan they doing as she tells about the next move is go after Imagawa Yoshimoto also the Date clan is after him too.

Kenshin: ¨I see, Kasuga.¨

Kasuga: ¨YES Lord Kenshin!¨ *She got startled and blushed too.¨

Kenshin: ¨I want you to be my eyes to see what's going to happen and also you are my blade.¨ *He holds Kasuga's hands as she did kyaa kyaa fangirled inside as Hanako gives a stress worried look as she sweat dropped or WTF?? face then Kasuga left the house to do her mission*

Hanako: "Umm... Lord Kenshin?"

Kenshin: "You don't have to be formal with me Hanako-chan you can call me Kenshin."

Hanako: "O-oh alright..." *she kind of hesitate* "I was wondering what should I do?...."

Kenshin: "Well you look a normal innocent girl and may become my servant?" *He thinks as he wasn't sure when Hanako's nerve snap as she takes out her shinai pointing at him*

Hanako: "Well how about to spar to show you my skill and I won't take my job to be your servant but helpful person to fight along." *She gives thrilled smiled*

Kenshin: "You do amazed me Hanako....." *he smiled then point his finger on Hanako's Shinai* "Are you really going to fight me with a wooden sword?"

Hanako: *She got a bit embarrassed that she the only girl from the future that use wooden sword but not real katana meaning no weapon in public for the government law unless defense and police needs it just in case of emergency* "I don't have a real katana what else I'm supposed to use on sparing!"

Kenshin: "Let's go find katana that is perfect for you."


Alright what did you think so far in the story? Hope it was a bit funny and good of I traveled sengoku era!? Please comment down below and vote too and thank you for reading my story.

Next up: Is Masamune and Yukimura thoughts of the Mysterious girl who fall out of nowhere.

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