Chapter 1: Meeting Prince Lord Kenshin and Ninja Fangirled Kasuga

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((The video is the opening of my story))

'Am I going to die or am I just dreaming what have happen just 10 or 20 minutes ago? It's hard to think when I hear talking around me.........' Hanako think to herself as her mind became very stressed as she quickly wake up hitting someone forehead to her forehead.

???: " Itai!....."*The blonde hair girl holds her forehead feeling the pain*

???: "Kasuga are you okay?" *The boy who wears a strange hood and weird light blue clothing as he pets the blonde girl back*

Kasuga: "I'm fine my dear Lord appreciate your kindness for caring for me!"

*she turn to him smiling happily to the weird hooded man*

((Not my type of man =_= but he can be my friend))

???: "Now you are awake little one may I ask who are you?"

Hanako: "I rather not to be called little sir and I don't want to tell my name to a stranger who I don't know."

*saying in a kind stress tone*

Kasuga: "How dare you used that language to my lord!!"

*She was about to take out her Kunai*

Hanako was about to take out her bamboo sword as she was holding tightly along with her school bag by the fall from the cliff the weird hooded man clapped his hand once to get our attention.

???: "Kasuga let not be rude to our guest we save."

*he says in serious smooth tone*

Kasuga: "Hai!"

*She puts away her Kunai and sit still*

???: "Well then it was my fault to not introduce myself to you and I'm not bad person if you're thinking that way."

*He smiles at Hanako* "My name is Kenshin, Uesugi Kenshin and you miss?"

Hanako: "Hanako, Himura Hanako....."

*saying a bit anxiously*

Kenshin: "Hanako what lovely name I never heard in my life and never seen you before with such strange clothing."

Hanako: "Strange clothing you mean you never seen school uniform before!?" *was surprised*

Kasuga and Kenshin: "School Un- whatttttt????"

*they both tilt their head giving a confused face*

Hanako: "Wait! The century and setting this must be a play yeah!"

Kasuga face shows WTF look at Hanako and Kenshin put a surprising face to met a strange girl like Hanako thinks what happened just 1 hour ago reflected her action.

¥20 MINS. Later in the distress~¥

Hanako: "Uh....Lord Kenshin may I ask what year is this?"

Kenshin: "Year?....Oh you mean Era this is the Sengoku Era"

Hanako: "T-the...sen- sengoku ERA!!!!"

*Was very shock and surprised by the same time and thinks to herself 'I TRAVELED BACK IN THE SENGOKU ERA!? It was because I read the book when it happen but this must be a dream it has to be!!!' she rolled around the floor being stressed out*

Kenshin: "Uh.....Hanako-chan?"

*He seem confused what she doing rolling around on the ground*

Hanako sits up and looks at both of them and sighed hoping not to make them think of her being crazy woman.

I Traveled Back in The Sengoku Era!? {{On Hold}} Sengoku Basara Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now