Morning Sunshine

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I roll onto my side, when I do my face hits a chest. I slowly open my tired eyes and notice Kells lying down next to me. I rub my temples remembering what happened last night.

"Hey Kenna" Kells says between yawns.

"Hey. Thanks for saving me last night, and for staying with me." I say as I bite my lip.

"Of course I would never let that creep hurt you" He says as he puts a hand on my thigh.

"How did you know Braxton was following me anyway?" I question.

"You knew that guy?" He asks shocked.

"Yeah, he's my ex boyfriend." I say quietly.

"Is he the one who abused you?" He asks quieter.

"Yeah... how did you know about that?" I look at him.

"Well I just assumed it. Rook always said you ran away with your boyfriend, and he didn't like him. And it's always a touchy subject for him. Also I notice you have bruising, and you flinched once thinking I'll hit you." Kells sighs.

I nod and someone bangs on my door. I look up to see a very hungover Rook standing there.

"Hey sunshine" I laugh as he walks in my room.

"Hey...Wait? What the hell is Kells doing in your bed?!" Rook yells as he walks straight over to Kells.

"Bro let me explain" Kells stands up. Rook doesn't look like he's going to back down, so I walk over.

"Rook, he saved from Braxton. I was so shaken up, I asked him to stay with me." I explain.

"Nothing happened, I swear." Kells says as he looks at Rook.

"Sorry and thanks." Rook hugs me before he walks downstairs.

I smiles and kiss Kells cheek before following Rook downstairs.

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