Chapter 16: Hickey Filled Wake Up

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I hung up the phone, I couldn't believe Xavier was coming here of all places, and I suppose I have alot to do if he's coming. I bounded out of the bed, tearing off my black pajamas and jumping into the bathroom. I quickly took a shower, and threw on my favoirte comfy clothes. A V-cut purple T and boot cut jeans, and of course, my striped black and white hoodie and combat boots.

I pracitcally ran to the kitchen, and was about to start cooking breakfest, but noticed the other girls weren't up. I smiled devilishly, and grabbed two frying pans. I crept to Kennys bed, he looked so cute and peaceful when he slept . . .


"HEY WAKE UP DAMMIT!" I collided the pans with a strong force, and laughed my ass off as Kennys eyes popped wide open and he flalied out of the bed. He landed with a thud and a sort of muffled squeak. I was holding my waist as tight as I could, cause I thought my stomach was exploding from the constant laughter. Tears were brimming in my eyes.

"YOU BITCH!" Kenny yelled and tried standing up but his sleepiness made him stumble and fall back down again. I had collapsed to the floor by that time, clutching my sides and gasping for air. The commontion apperntly woke up Dinaezha, because next thing I know she's bursting through the door with a bat. Kennys sheets had fallen all over the place, and apperntly Dinaezhas legs got tangled in the white linens, and she fell face first on the floor. At that point I thought I was gonna die. "Cant . . . breathe . . . so . . . hilarious!" I got out between bursts of laughter and gasps of air.

I knew I was screwed when Dinaezha and Kenny looked at each other with evil looks in there eyes. "No, I don't know but get away from me!" I yelled, trying to pull myself up, but Dinaezha grabbed my legs, and Kenny shot forward on fours, pinning my arms down, he sat on my waist so I was totally inmobile. "Alright D, should we go with plan A or Plan B?" He asked with a scary Joker grin.

"Hm, I think the guys would be more pissed with plan Z." Dinaezhas words were like smirks. I grimaced, this wasn't good. "Alright then, plan Z it is." Kenny leaned down and pulled the left sleeve of my purple T down. Oh no. He leaned down, and pressed his lips on my skin, and began to suck with his teeth. "NO!!!" I yelled, I tried to buck and twist, but they had me pinned. I could only take the punishment. He continued down the line of my shoulder, and then he did the ultimate hickey. He sucked right in the middle of my neck. "I SURRENDER!" I yelled in defeat, this wasn't good.

"Good, now you will never do that again!" Kenny said with a laughing voice, and I about lost it. "You idiot, how am I gonna explain this to Xavier?!" I yelled in desperation. He had a confused expression on his face. He brought his arm up to his mouth, "What?" He asked. It was actually kinda cute, espically since he was in his blue flannel pajamas. They were silky and button up, they added to the cuteness factor. NO! Your angry at him remember!

"Big bros coming to Coldgrove . . ." A light buld lit over my head. 'And now, I get to tell him your the one who sexually molested me. I do have the physical evidence." I pointed to the trial of hickeys he left on my skin. He looked positivly horrified. "No, I don't wanna die young!!!" Kenny yelled, and rolled off of me, he was in his dramatic mode. "Oh cruel God, she's going to make it so that I join you earlier than is supposed to be so." He put his arm on his head as well. Dinaezha just laughed, her pajamas were slightly teared from her fall. And I suddenly turned my wrath on her. "Oh, and I'll be happy to mention the accomplice to all of this. Your convicting evidence is the tear on your favoirte Betty Bop pajamas." I pointed to the tear on the end of the nightgown. She turned pale, and looked at Kenny. They suddenly embraced each other, "I'll miss you bitch!" They said simultaniously. We looked at each other, and burst out laughing.

"I miss our dramatic mornings, but if we don't get ready we'll be late. " I said, looking at the clock. "Late, what are you crazy, its like, only 6 in the morning." Kenny whined, "Well yeah, but we don't want to keep the Black Ravens waiting, I mean, what with Midnight Murderer coming back in town and all." I said, they looked shocked for a minute. "Oh, well, yeah." The both said. I smiled, "How do you think Xavier would feel, if I told him my band memebers did this. There are four marks, one for Theo, one for Damon, one for Jake, and I suppose one for Stephan. But his punishment will only be small, since he is gay and all." I said, fingering the already bruising marks.

"Oh man, promise me you wont kill my boyfriend." Kenny said, "So, does that mean you admit your the chick in the relationship?" I asked as I jumped up and ran to the door, I shut it, avoiding the ariel attack of a pillow.

This, was going to be fun.


Alright, a little longer, the interesting stuff comes in the next chapter, sorry for having this chapter a little boring, but it opens up thousands of possibilites, so it was needed.

Anywhore Pip pip, cherrio and all that.

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