Chapter 20 Calvin

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Calvin POV

"Look at his eyes. They are so freaking weird." The bullies spat at me as they through me against the ground.

"He is such a freak!" They continuously threw rocks at me trying to get my response.

"A demon freak." One yelled obnoxiously.

"A mistake demon freak child!"

"The baby want to cry!" They laugh obnoxiously at me as they point out my every flaw.

One of the guys grab my arm and throws me into the river. I struggle looking at them for help.

"I ca-n't sss-wi-m." I struggle to say. They laugh.

"That's why you are in there. Just die. It's not like anyone cares.

"Please help me!" I yell, water filling my nostrils.

They walk away as I slowly drown. I stop struggling and let the water just take me.

Theres no point. They are right. Giving up would do the world a favor. I just wish...

I had a friend.

I slowly loose consciousness before slipping into darkness.
My eyes slowly open as I look at my surroundings. My eyes land on a girl. She looked a bit older than me( I am 10 years old) as she smiled.

"You are finally awake." She said brightly walking over to a cabinet.

"Who are you?" My voice suprising myself. It was scratchy and hoarse.

"Annabelle." Annabelle said as she grabed different types of liquid potions.

"Why am I here? Where am I?" I ask trying to sit up, but my body is immediately flooded with pain.

Annabelle runs up to me and lays me back down on the bed.

"You are still weak. I saved you from drowning, though it was already night time when I found you. I thought you were dead, but I felt a pulse. I took you to my house just outside the small town and have been nursing you for two years." Annabelle explains. Shock courses through my body as my eyes widen in surprise.

"Two years!" I yell as I violently sit up violently.

"Lay down!" Annabelle demands.

I do as she says and close my eyes.

Two years of my life gone.

"What is your name?" Belle asks.

"My name is Calvin." I tell her.

"Calvin... I like it." She says as we stay in a comfortable silence
My legs wobble as Belle helps me stand up.

Its been two weeks since I woke up and now Belle is teaching me to walk.

During does two weeks I found out that Belle is actually twelve years old as well, but lives by herself since her parents died in a fatal incident.

She has blonde hair and green eyes which sees everything. Not litterally, but when she looks at me, I feel as if she sees my soul and have the sudden urge to be the best I can be for her.

Belle holds my hand as she helps me walk a few steps with me before I collapse to the floor.

I feel tears fall of my face as Belle kneels next to me.

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