Chapter 30

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Akiras P.O.V:

"Mahira?!? What are you doing here!!!" I yelled.

"Di please don't make me go back to the asylum!! Di....I am not crazy!! Trust me didi!! I'm really sorry!!" Mahira said hugging me.

If could feel her warm tears on my shirt. I had promised my mom that I would take care of Mahira.

"Don't worry Mahira. You are safe with me." I said taking her to my room.

"Di...I am so scared...Jai will never forgive me!!" Mahira stuttered.

"Don't worry about Jai. You must be tired, take a nap." I said tugging her in the blankets.

I stroked her head until she fell asleep and closed the door. I couldn't let anyone find out that Mahira was back.

Sandhyas P.O.V:

I was on the balcony as Jai came out of nowhere.

"Hey." He said.

"Hi." I said in vain.

"That feeling is there?" Jai asked.

"No. I'm just nervous." I said.

"You have never fallen in love with anyone right?" Jai asked.

"Have you?"

"Yea. Actually, I have. Look Sandhya you are my friend and it hurts me seeing you like this so I will tell you a secret. I fell in love with Akira." Jai said shocking me.

"What?!? When?!?" I asked taking interest.

"Long time ago. Akira introduced me to the city, and I instantly fell in love with her. I loved the way she smiled, talked, and gave me her cute puppy faces. I decided to express my feelings but she was dating a guy that she liked and it was serious. Akira met his mom and sister." Jai explained.

"The love, is it gone?" I asked.

"I don't know."

"Have you ever told Akira? I mean she isn't dating anyone. Right? So, why don't you tell her?" I questioned like a detective.

"I have never told Akira and I'm not planning too." Jai answered.

"Why not?"

"Because deep down no matter how many times she says no, she still loves that guy. I can't be that guy that spilt two lovers." Jai said looking closely at me for some reason.

I nodded and smiled.

"You are a good guy Jai. Any girl would be lucky to have you." I said kissing his cheek.

Mahiras P.O.V:

After Akira closed the door I got up and locked the door quickly. I wore my shoes and carefully looked for Akiras diary. I knew it was somewhere over here.

I juggled the pillows and looked under the mattress. I looked in the drawer and saw my golden ticket to getting Jai.
I put the diary in my bag and sat on the bed making sure Akira wasn't coming anytime soon. I dialed a number and waited impatiently for the person to pick it up.

"I have got the diary."

Akiras P.O.V:

"You mean to tell me a crazy person who has mental issues is in my house?!?" Aunty asked.

"Aunty for the last time she is not crazy!! Look Mahira is my little sister and I can't leave her helpless!!" I explained.

"Akira how did she even escape?!?"

"I don't know but I'm not asking!! Please Aunty, she won't cause any harm!!" I promised.

Aunty shook her head and went to the kitchen in frustration.

Authors P.O.V:

Dev was pacing back and forth and finally went to Sandhyas room where he saw her and Jai taking on the balcony.

"Hey guys!! What are you taking about?" Dev asked.

"The wedding. So when is it exactly happening?" Sandhya asked.

"Let's see I think all the rituals have passed, so soon. I think this weekend." Dev answered unsure.

Two balcony to the left there was a person taking on the phone with Mahira, the face was hidden in the shadows.

"I have got the diary." Mahira said on the phone.

"Good. These people's lives are going to change very soon. That diary is the reason they will be shedding tears." The person said chuckling.

Authors Note:

Hey!!!!! How did you like today's chapter???

I'm sorry if al the point of views in this chapter irritated you. Other than that a lot of drama is going on.

Question of the day:

Your favorite Indian serial actor and actress?

Matlabi~(completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora