"Aulisor Sho of Beacon Academy is the winner!" The crowd went completely nuts. Ugh, I'm getting tired of this constant praise. Yeah, so what? I have a name that has power and wealth written behind it. I helped Fisher up and walked him off the field.

"Damn dude! They weren't kidding on your talent," Fisher said in amazement.

"Uh, thanks." How was I supposed to answer that? "My girlfriend is better than I am though. She kicked my butt in a fight during our first combat class." Fisher was shocked.

"A girl kicked your ass?!" I nodded. So what? She has a talent that's better than anyone I've come to know. "Damn!" What is with this guy?! I swear he's on something.

Then over the speakers, I heard her name. "Dusty Xiao Long of Beacon Academy!" People cheered, but not as much as they have been for the past matches. Oh, they're in for a treat. "And Daki Fu from Haven Academy!" Everyone sure went in an uproar over this kid. Whoever this kid was, their ass is gonna get kicked.

Dusty's P.O.V.

I've heard of this chick. She was known to be intimidating and strong as steel. She had no idea what's coming at her. Then the match began. Daki charged at me. She swung her sword at me and I blocked it with my blade colliding with hers. "You're going down degenerate," she growled. Great! My opponent was against faunus. That really pissed me off.

"Oh really? Do you know what I'm called," I said with a smirk. She was confused as what I was asking. That's when I released the power of my semblance. Everyone gasped. Here I was, a ball of black flames, standing in the arena. Daki backed away, not knowing what to do. My eyes grew into the soulless black orbs as I walked towards my opponent.

She ran at me at her maximum speed. Her semblance was speed, like Aulisor. This was going to be easy, yet again. All she kept doing was charging at me. With my semblance being so rare, no one knows how to fight against me. I blocked and dodged every attack she threw at me. It was almost like a dance. I rolled my eyes and hooked her with my scythe, launching her towards the other side of the arena. Just like Aulisor when he first fought, she crashed into the wall, unable to fight. "Dusty Xiao Long of Beacon Academy is the winner!" Everyone roared. A fifteen year old girl just kicked a girl's, who's probably seventeen, ass.

I leant her hand to get up. She swatted my hand away, glaring at me with utter disgust. "That was a cheap shot faunus scum," she growled. I groaned and rolled my eyes. I just chose to walk away. That's when she played a dirty trick. She struck me down from behind. "I will not lose to a someone who's at the bottom of the food chain!"

My team came running out onto the field. "You leave her alone," Aulisor bellowed in fury. She smirked and just continued to strike at me. My teammates all looked at each other and nodded. They went at Daki together.

"Get her out of here," Trevor ordered to Aulisor. He swooped me up in his arms and dashed off the field. Security restrained Daki before she could make another attack. My brother and teammate came running off the field after us. I was brought to the medical station.

The nurses tended to my wounds as my team sat on the sidelines, waiting to hear about my condition. My entire torso was wrapped in bandages after the deep gashes on my back were disinfected and stitched up. Man, mom is going to have a field day when she hears about this. "Take it easy miss. Here's some medicine to help maintain the pain," a nurse said as she handed me a bottle of pills. I slowly got up and met up with my team once I put my cropped shirt and leather jacket back on.

"Oh my god, are you okay?!" Luna was freaking out, more than the guys surprisingly.

"Yeah I'm okay. Just need to take it easy for a bit so the stitches won't come undone," I said. When I said 'stitches', everyone froze. "What? It's really nothing major."

"Right," Trevor groaned. I punched him in the shoulder. "Ow! What was that for?"

I gave him this look which made him shut up. When we walking back to join our friends, she showed up again. She glared at us, threatening me silently. I wasn't scared by it. I just brushed it off. She even tried to attack me again. She wasn't about to give up easily. The security guards escorting her out of the arena grabbed her again. She was pissed, actually I think beyond pissed. "Mom is going to get a kick out of this," I joked as I tried to lighten the mood amongst my teammates.

"Yeah right. Mom is going to be freaking out and pissed," Trevor spoke.

"I know. I was just joking. Geez."

"Right now isn't a time for jokes Dust. This is serious. Someone attacked you after the match was called! Our headmaster isn't going to take this lightly," Aulisor stated with tension.

"Nor is the headmaster of Haven," Luna added.

"I know. I know! Geez guys. But she was the one that started everything. She pissed me off by calling me a degenerate and a scum!" My blood was boiling. Why do people have to hate us? We're still people even though we had animal features and traits. Yeah some of us, faunus, have done bad things that ruins our reputation entirely. There are some of us that are still good.

People just don't give us a chance. However, just like mom, we have to go through life even though we may get discriminated along the way; just like today with Daki Fu.

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