Chapter 10: One By One

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With Louis out of the way, Harry only has to worry about Liam and Niall. Harry walked back into the mansion. Liam was munching on a bowl of cereal in the kitchen, Niall still fast asleep in his room, seeing as it was only 8:00am. On Harry's arrival, Liam looked up from his cereal. "Hey Haz, where's Louis?" Harry smiled. "Louis loved the fish so much that he decided to stay a while longer." He said as he sat on a kitchen stool. Liam nodded and went back to his cereal.

Harry excused himself so he could take his wetsuit off. Once in his bedroom, he fished in his duffle bag for his signal jamming device. He found it and after triumphantly holding it into the air, he switched on the two switches. One switch jammed the airways, so no calls could be made and no internet could be accessed. The other switch jumbled up the airways around the island, making them virtually invisible to anyone who might want to search for them using satellite. With a smirk, Harry got dressed into his regular clothes and headed downstairs.

"Liam, why don't we go on a trek to the other side of the island and back? The forest is filled with all kinds of rare plants that we don't normally see." Harry had his backpack already slung over his shoulder ready to go. Liam smiled. "Sure, I'll get ready."


To go to the other end of the island and back would take 4 hours. Which is just enough time to kill Liam and to get back to finish off Niall. Harry packed snacks and drinks. He poisoned Liam's lemonade and sandwich. Even though they'd left quickly after Zayn's murder, Harry still wanted to get with killing Liam and Niall fast. You can never be too careful and he'd hate to be caught before he finishes killing all of One Direction.

Liam came downstairs all packed and ready. "Okay, Haz, let's get going." With a nod Harry and Liam left the house.

Trekking through the forest was tiring and the two quickly were thirsty and hungry. They were halfway to their destination when Harry stopped. "Okay, food break." Sliding his backpack off of his shoulder, Harry sat on a nearby tree-stump. He pulled out two small mason jars, one filled with lemonade and one filled with tea. Harry handed Liam the lemonade and then pulled out the sandwiches.

Liam unscrewed the lid off of the mason jar and took a healthy swig. "This lemonade is great, homemade is always better than store-bought." Harry watched with a smirk. "It's my grandmas secret recipe." Harry replied as he took a bite out of his sandwich.

They ate in silence for about 10 minutes before Liam started coughing. At first, Liam thought nothing of it, thinking it was just a mild normal irritation. Until the coughs got harder, racking his body. "You okay mate?" Harry asked, patting Liam on the back. "I don't know Haz, I can't stop coughing and I feel weird."

Liam coughed hard into his hand, and when he withdrew it it was speckled with blood. His throat felt as if it was closing up, his tongue felt uncomfortably thick. All during his ordeal, Harry was packing up the food and stood up. "Harry...." It was beginning to get hard for him to speak. "Help...where are you going?"

Harry smiled and leaned close to Liam. "You don't have even two minutes left to live. Don't asked me why I'm killing you. I'm doing it because it's fun for me." With a smile that dripped with sinister intentions, Harry turned and left. Liam coughed violently one last time before dying.


When Harry got back to the house it was 11:00am. Niall should be up in an hour. Harry got into the kitchen and started to cook. Harry would poison his breakfast and all would be over with. Soon, he finished the scrambled eggs, bacon and freshly squeezed orange juice. He pulled out a small vial of clear liquid and poured it into the juice. He stirred the juice with a spoon before putting everything on a tray.


Niall had woken up early that day. Sounds coming from the kitchen told him someone was up making breakfast. He decided on scaring them. So he crept slowly down the steps and silently peeked around the corner. What he saw was unbelievable. Harry was fixing breakfast, which wasn't unusual, but what was unusual was the small vial of liquid that he poured into the juice. Niall remembered the vial from some weeks back when he found one exactly like it in Harry's flat.

Niall quickly went back upstairs and pretended to sleep.


Harry walked up the stairs with the tray of food and nudged open Niall's door. Niall's back was to the door. "Wakey, wakey, Niall. I come bearing food." Harry placed the tray of food on the bedside table. Niall sat up and made a show of yawning and rubbing his eyes. "Thanks Haz, but uh, I'm not hungry right now."

Harry, who was smiling, was smiling no more. "But, you're always hungry when you wake up." What's his deal? This is the hungriest person I've ever met.Harry thought. "Ok, I'll eat the food, but at least drink the juice." Harry picked up the glass and held it out to Niall.

Niall stared at the glass before looking back to Harry. "Uh, I don't like orange juice too much. I'll get some water." The smile that left Harry's face this time won't return. "That's a lie. You love orange juice. Drink. The. Juice." Harry shoved the drink towards Niall, making some slosh onto the bedsheets. Niall got up and stood on the other side of the bed. "I said no, Harry. It's just juice."

Harry, angry now, threw down the glass. It broke into a million pieces as it made contact with the floor and the juice spread quickly across the floor. "Ok. Then obviously this won't work." Harry stood in silence for a few seconds before lunging at Niall, but Niall dodged him and leapt across the bed and towards the door. "Harry! What's your deal!?" Niall yelled.

Harry walked to the bed. "You're going to ruin everything I've planned! Everything I've set out to do!" Punching the bed in a rage, Harry was a sight to see. Niall had never seen Harry so angry and scary, he was frightened.

"Harry, what do you mean everything you've planned?" Niall asked.

Harry just smiled and said. "My plans to kill you all Niall. It's my time to kill you, but you're getting in the way of that."

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