Chapter 3: Photography Lessons

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Harry had been anticipating this day since he set up the date at the One Direction photoshoot. Date. No, not date. Lesson, yeah. Harry thought as he fixed his morning cup of tea. He ran his hair through his long hair as he checked his phone. Apparently Louis had gotten his email address from their management.

(1) New Message
From: Louis Tomlinson
To: Harry Styles
Subject: PHOTO LESSONS! :)

Hey Harry,
It's Louis! Don't forget our lessons today!! :) x

Harry smiled at the email. Ha, Louis seems eager to learn. He thought as he finished off his tea. He gathered his things and left for his van. Once there, he loaded his things and turned on his music player. A soft musical melody floated through the van. Carter Burwell has always been Harry's favorite composer.

After a 20 minute drive, Harry arrived at the flat that Louis Tomlinson was staying in. He got out of the van, got his equipment and headed to the door. But, before he could knock, the door opened and he was pulled in by none other than Louis. He must've been waiting at the window for when I arrived. He chuckled at the thought.

"I thought you'd never get here!" Louis exclaimed putting emphasis on the word 'never.' He bounced up and down excitedly. "The boys all have other engagements to attend to, so we gave the day all to ourselves." Louis plopped down onto a Forest Green couch and motioned for Harry to sit on the matching easy chair beside it.

What a polite host this one is. To bad I have to kill him. Harry thought as he sat on the easy chair. He sat down his bag in the floor and pulled out his camera and a book titled: Camera 101 For Dummies. "I know I'm going to be teaching you things about the camera, but I thought I'd give you this book for when I'm not here." Harry smiled, handing the book to Louis.

"Oi, mate! You think I'm a dummy? I'll show you a dummy! IfYoureADummySayWhat!" Louis quickly spat out the last sentence, mumbling the worlds together. Harry's eyebrows knit together as he responded. "What?" Louis smiled and jumped on Harry, messing up his hair. "You're the dummy!! Haha!!"

What's up with this lad? He's a bit too hyper. I'll probably need to sedate this one, yeah, sedate him. Harry thought as Louis attacked him. "Quite playful are you?" Harry chuckled and ruffled the boys hair back. "Ok, ok. Let's get to work."

For the next few hours Harry taught Louis what he knew about taking pictures. He showed him how to edit them on the computer, even showed him some photoshop tricks. An orange sun was slowly slipping behind the London skyline when the boys finally noticed the time. "Look at the time!" Louis said looking out the window. "Nearly night."

Harry's gaze followed Louis'. "Sure is....guess I should hit the road and try to find a hotel." Harry stood and stretched, his bones and joints popping in protest. He gathered his camera and bag and started for the door. "Today was fun, let's do it again yeah?"

Louis watched Harry. "Stay here tonight." Louis words caught Harry off guard. Louis noticed and continued. "I mean. It's getting dark and you're probably tired, so, not the ideal driving conditions? Ehhh....only if you want to though."

Now he's inviting me to stay the night? Gosh, this boy trusts way to easily. But, better for me. Might as well take advantage of this opportunity. Remember, the closer you get to him, the easier the kill will be. Harry thought as he tapped his foot to a tune only he can hear. "Sure, I'll stay." Harry smiled and sat his bag back down.


Harry wakes up to the most delicious smell he's smelled in months. He groggily gets up from the couch and follows the smell to the kitchen. He sees Louis turn off the stove and put some bacon on two nearly full plates. Louis grabbed the plates and then turned around.

"Morning, sleep well?" Louis smiled and set down the plates on the table. He'd made them both a full English breakfast, complete with: sausages, eggs, bacon, tomato, beans and mushrooms with buttered toast. Louis was quite the cook.

Harry looked at all the food. Wow. This boy sure can cook. "I slept great. Mm, food smells good and looks good. But, does it taste good?" Harry chuckled.

"Course it tastes good you fuddy duddy! C'mere try it!" Louis wrinkled his nose at Harry's joke. What a cheeky chap this one is. Louis thought to himself as he sat down. Louis watched Harry take a bite of his food. "Hm? Good, yeah?" He asked.

Harry finished chewing before responding. "Perfect! Best cooking I've had since my mum's!!" Harry smiled and continued eating when his phone buzzed. He fished it out of his pocket and looked at the screen.

(1) New Message
To: Harry Styles
From: MODEST!Management
Subject: Pictures

Hey Harry, Burt here, the pictures came! They're great! Listen, you and the lads come in so we can all check them out, they'll love them!

Sincerely, Burt Green

"It's from Burt. The pictures are in and he wants me and the rest of lads to come in to check them out." Harry said before taking another bite.

Louis smiled. "Yay! Well, let's hurry up and eat and get going yeah?" He took out his phone and quickly sent a text to the other lads about Burt. "Ok, guess we'll get going in 30 minutes!"

Harry and Louis finished their breakfasts, got ready, and headed to management headquarters.

The PhotographerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora