Chapter 8: Plans In Motion

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One Direction had a meeting with their Management, so Harry stayed home. The trio now sat in Burt Greens large office, a window looked out over the Thames river, the view was spectacular. Niall, Louis, and Liam sat across from Burt Green. "So lads, how's everything?" Burt asked. Niall spoke for the three. "We're great. The fans love the new album and are asking for a new video. Think we can do that?" Burt smiled. "Of course, anything for the fans." Niall returned the smile. "There's something else though..." Burst eyebrows furrowed. "What?" Niall took a deep breath and looked at Liam and Louis, who both nodded. "Uh, have you done a background check on Harry?"

Burt looked confused. "No, well, I looked at some of his pictures online, but I haven't done an extensive check on him. How come? I thought you all got along." Liam spoke this time. "Oh, we do. But, as you know, Louis was sick and went to the hospital. But, what the doctors found, wasn't known to them. They think he was poisoned." Burt looked surprised. "Poisoned?! What's this got to do with Harry?" Louis spoke up. "They think Harry's been poisoning me, and I'm starting to believe them." Burt looked absolutely drained. He picked up his phone. "Hello, yes, this is Burt Green. I need you to do an absolutely thorough background check on a Mr.Harry Styles. He's our photographer. Yes, thank you." Burt turned to the trio. "Ok, I got my best guy on it. He's a Private Investigator, and an ex-marine. He'll get the job done. Meanwhile, just keep low about everything ok? Don't let Harry know anything." The trio nodded and Burt dismissed them.


Burt Green's warning would prove useless. Harry already knew the suspicions. He'd heard them the other night. But Harry knew how to keep cool. While the three lads were away, Harry set to work. Harry sat in his van and retrieved a black box from a hidden compartment in the floor. The box contained different poisons, liquid and powdered, that Harry made himself or obtained illegally. The different array of poisons could either give you a simple curable rash, to killing you. The box also contained bottles of various sizes to hold the poisons, and also needles to help distribute them. Harry diligently set to work mixing deadly concoctions. Killing One Direction is his biggest job yet, and the most thrilling.


Liam, Louis and Niall were driving around London trying to find a resturant. "Guys, just drop me off at my flat. I want to talk to Harry." Louis said from the backseat. Niall, in the passenger seat, turned to him. "You heard what Burt said Lou, don't tell Harry anything." Louis rolled his eyes. "I'm not stupid Niall, I won't let him onto anything. I just want to see what he thinks, I'm gonna act like I don't believe you." Liam looked at Louis through the rear-view mirror. "I don't think that's a good idea but, if you want to ok. But seriously, be careful." Louis gave Liam a slight smile. "Of course."


20 minutes ago, Liam and Niall dropped off Louis. Now, Louis and Harry sat in the kitchen. "Harry, what do you think about what Niall said, you know.....about you poisoning me?" Louis asked cautiously. "I think he's stupid." Harry replied. Louis scrunched his nose. "Same, you wouldn't hurt me. You're my best friend." Harry had to refrain from flinching at his words. "I know you don't. Want some tea?" Harry asked. Louis said he did so, Harry started making the tea. All the while thinking of how to set his murderous thoughts in motion.


It had been a week since the conversation with Burt, also since Burt had sent his best guy to check out Harry. The mans name was Zayn Malik. In only a week, Zayn had come to the conclusion that Harry Styles was a murderer. There was nothing obvious that said so, but, if you have the smarts and a keen eye then you would see the connections. With every job Harry had, save a few, a murder took place, around the same time and in the same area. Zayn was supposed to take his findings straight to Burt. But, he had other thoughts, so he did things his way, thinking he was tough enough to confront Harry. That, if things went down, he could take him. Zayn Malik thought wrong.

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