"But everyone have friends..." the five year old me had reasoned.

"They're different. Sometime in life, they're going to have to go through betrayals and sadness. You don't have to go through all those."


"That means that your friends don't believe in you like you believe in them. They do things that make you want to cry."

Falice. Beatrice. Just how many more people next? I believed too easily, didn't I? Maybe if I didn't expect so much, I wouldn't be this disappointed now...

But wait. What about Ducan? At least he's a true friend, right? He listened to my past and was there for me when I needed him. Thinking about this made me feel slightly better.

That's right. It was worth it. The snide remarks about me would be temporary. If I were to tell Ducan about what Falice said about him, that scar would take a longer time to heal.


*Next morning*

I waited until most people were gathered before entering the battle courtyard.

I kept my gaze down to avoid Ducan's gaze.

"Alright, we'll be training with daggers and swords today. Daggers to my left, swords to my right. Take your position."

After the order was given, the trainers remained where they were. Their eyes were fixed on me and I understood what it meant.

They want to see where I stand before making their decision...

That's fine with me. I get to pick first. I walked to the left.

After I made my decision, I watched as people started moving. Moving away from me. I looked down so that they couldn't see how affected I was. How could I not be? They were treating me like a plague.

I lifted my head in surprise when I saw a pair of feet taking position beside me. William. His gaze was directed forward.

"Do only Fortis and William want to choose daggers?"

"We prefer swords," Perry spoke up on behalf of the team.

"Yes we prefer swords," voices backed him up.

"Alright..." I felt Ducan's eyes lingering on me for a moment. "Now for the rules. You are not allowed to deal any fatal injury on your sparring partner. If your weapons leave your hands or if you were held by your vital points by your opponent, you are considered dead. Start all over again after that and stop when I give the order."

I glanced at William from the corner of my eye.

I would be sparring with him.

"I'll be going around to guide you. You can get your weapons and equipments now."

There was a flurry of activities as people made their way to the Weapon Room to get their equipments. William and I waited for the crowd to return before we went to get what we needed.

We did not speak a single word to each other along the way. I busied myself with putting on the guards after we came back.

"Training starts now," Ducan announced.

As he made his way over to me, I looked up and smiled.

"Do you need help?"

"It's fine Ducan. I have William here to guide me. Thanks."

His eyes dimmed. "Call for me if you guys need any help."

I nodded and he left.

It's better this way. I won't be at risk of revealing what I shouldn't.

Just the Start. (The Clovers series: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now