"And how evil do you have to be to say the words, 'heathy' and 'cookie' in the same sentence?" Taylor asked drily, causing Karlie to laugh.

Their light banter continued as the two moved around the kitchen, their moves quickly turning into small dances after Taylor decided music was needed. Every so often they'd bump into each other causing them to laugh every time. Soon enough they made their way to Taylor's den, glass of wine in hand, as they waited for their treats to bake.

"Is it just me, or do we always end up drinking wine when we hang out?" Karlie wondered as she got comfortable.

Taylor laughed lightly, "Well wine is very important," she noted. "So, how are you doing? I know breakups are hard."

Karlie sighed, "Yeah, but I've decided I'm not gonna cry over someone who cheated." Taylor nodded in understanding. "How about you? How are things going with Dianna?"

Taylor sighed, she really couldn't beat around the bush any longer. "Um... We broke up, actually." It wasn't until she said those words out loud, that it truly sunk in. We broke up. A familiar guilt settled in as she fully realized her current situation. It's my fault. I fucked it up. Again.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Taylor was brought back from her thoughts by Karlie's words, "What happened?"

You called, that's what happened. "Um, we're both about to be very busy. We figured it was best to just called it off." It was all a lie, but she knew she couldn't tell Karlie the truth, for so many reasons. The truth could make the model feel unnecessary guilt, or scare her away once more, if she knew Taylor's feelings for her hadn't completely banished. Taylor couldn't risk it, she had already lost Dianna; she couldn't lose Karlie as well. Besides, acting on her feelings wasn't something she planned on doing ever again. She doubted she could handle that kind of rejection again, she had heard the message loud and clear from the first time.

"Is it too soon to say I never liked her?" Karlie wondered with a playful smile.

Despite the lightheartedness of her comment, Taylor couldn't help but feel defensive of Dianna. How could anyone say anything like that about the actress? She had done everything right, perfectly even.

"The feeling was mutual," Taylor said bitterly. She knew it was uncalled for, but she didn't regret saying it, not yet anyways. Right now, she just felt the need to stand up for her ex.

The awkward moment was interrupted by the alarm Taylor had made to ensure they wouldn't forget to take their cookies out of the oven.

Taylor got up and made her way to the kitchen, Karlie following closely behind. Karlie's expression was neutral as they rearranged their treats in a plate. Taylor was the first to break the eerie silence, offering the younger girl a cookie.

"Would you like to try one," Taylor offered, extending the plate in the girl's direction. Karlie lightly smiled as she took one of the cookies Taylor had made, extending her own plate for Taylor to take one. "Are you trying to poison me? I saw you bake that. You didn't even use sugar." All the tension that had been there quickly disappeared as the two girl fought back and forth about what made a cookie, a cookie.

They continued their banter into the den, where Taylor finally agreed to try one of Karlie's cookies. It took her a while, but finally Karlie got her to admit she actually really enjoyed them.

"Your cookies are good, but they still can't compare to mine," Taylor said, taking another sip of wine.

"Keep telling yourself that," Karlie said jokingly. They were quiet for a moment, simply enjoying each other's company, when Karlie spoke up again. "You know what we should do? We should go on a road trip!" She said excitedly.

"A road trip?" Taylor asked skeptically.

"Yes, a road trip!" Karlie said as she took her phone out, "When do you have a few days off?"

"I'm going to the Vanity Fair Oscar party next week, but I am free for about a week after that," Taylor said, slowly getting excited by the idea of a road trip. She couldn't remember that last time she had gone on one.

"That's perfect! I'll be there as well! Do you want to do it?" At this point, Karlie was practically bouncing off the couch. Taylor laughed lightly at the girl's excitement.

"I would love nothing more, Miss Kloss," she answered dramatically.

"It's a date them."

A/N: I wrote this over the course of a month, so if it's bad, that might be why. I don't particularly like this chapter, to be honest but I felt an update was overdue. Let's hope it gets better from here on. Also most of this chapter was written very late, so excuse the typos/ bad grammar/ anything that doesn't even make sense. Xx.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2015 ⏰

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