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~The next day~

Ron and Matsudappoiyo were both asleep now, tired from the trip. Though, not together. Matsudappoiyo enjoyed that night. It made his stomach feel tingly inside. God is he obsessed with Ron.
Matsuda fell into a deep sleep, dreaming a dream that was so vivid. Maybe too vivid.
Matsudappoiyo woke himself up this time, remembering the dream of all red. Blood, of his old friend Yufu Sekka.
He sat up and leaned back on his bed, taking deep breaths.
This isn't what I want. He thought. He banged his head back on the headboard, making him whisper a small "ow"
The noise was of course loud, and woke up Ron. He didnt say anything, he just looked over to Ppoiyo's bed. He saw in the moonlight that he was upset about something. Ppoiyo is all up for sleep, he wouldn't be up like this. He knew something was wrong. Ron sat up aswell.
"Ppoiyo, is everything okay?"
Ron rubbed his eyes and leaned on his other arm, facing his best friend.
"Y-yeah. I was just thinking about something. It's okay now. Go to sleep." Ppoiyo turned away from Ron and lay back down on the bed.
"Hm. Okay.. goodnight." Ron didnt want to argue, but it began to concern him what was going on.

~The next morning~
"Get. Uuuuuppp!" Ron violently shook Ppoiyo and tried to wake him up. Matsuda just hid under his blankets.
"Hmm." Ron thought for a second.
Then, he threw himself on top of Ppoiyo and tried to crush him.
"Ow." Was all Ppoiyo managed to say. Not because he was tired, it was because he was too busy freaking out internally and blushing madly. He just wanted to rip off the covers and kiss Ron that second.
"Why are you so sleeepyyyyy?" Ron leaned over and rested his chin on top of Ppoiyo's head. He stayed there for a few seconds before Ppoiyo suddenly popped out of the blankets and stayed facing away from Ron.
"What, are you ignoring me?" Ron crawled over the bed and looked over to Ppoiyo's face. He couldn't see since his hair was all over the place.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Ron gently brushed Ppoiyo's hair away from his face with his hand, looking over at him concerned. He discovered that for some reason, Ppoiyo was blushing.
"Oh? What is it, need me to kiss you?~" Ron teased and began laughing. Matsuda looked up slightly to Ron. "Just kidding. I'll leave you alone now." Ron got up to leave but was held back by Ppoiyo grabbing his wrist. Stop, youre rushing this. Ppoiyo thought. "Stay. Please." Matsuda looked up at Ron.
Ron sat down next to Ppoiyo and looked at him again.
"Are you okay? You've been a little off lately."
Ppoiyo opened his mouth to say "I love you", but it just didnt come out. His throat burned. Why? He hadnt talked alot. Why can't he say it? He cursed himself. What the hell is wrong with him? If he can't speak, actions. Just fucking kiss him. No, this is too much, it's rushing. He has to just fake something... quick!
Ppoiyo put on his best fake happy smile.
"Tricked you." He said, beginning to laugh.
"Aw, damn it!" Ron got up and went to the kitchen grabbing something to eat. Ppoiyo sighed. This fucking sucks.

Only 2 People In The World (Matsudappoiyo x Ron Keine)Where stories live. Discover now