Chapter 1

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It was an average night, the night it all began. It was a cold December evening, snowflakes flurrying to the ground, leaving a light layer of snow on the streets and sidewalks. Louis was on his way to his flat, he didn't have a car, hell he could barely afford the clothes on his back, he's lucky his mum is willing to help pay for his flat or he'd be on the streets.

He made his way down the snowy sidewalk, his heels clicking softly against the snow covered concrete, shivering as the cold wind easily made its way through the thin fabric of his coat. His glove covered hands were shoved into his pockets, his small button nose turning a rosy color along with his cheeks. He was in a hurry and he was almost home, in order to get there he had to pass the pub, usually it was busy on Friday nights. With people either partying, having a few drinks, or people trying to drink their problems away. And the boy he saw in the alley, seemed to be in the third category.

Louis slowly approaches the curly haired boy as he shivered, sipping whiskey straight from the bottle. Louis winced and carefully tapped the shivering boys shoulder, he could tell the boy was drunk, and now he realized the taller man was in tears as well.
"Sir? E-Excuse me? Are you alright?" Louis asked hesitantly.

"Wha-? Who are you?" Curly asked, hiccuping a bit
"Um, Louis, do you have somewhere to go? I could give you a couple bucks for a cab if you need?"
It was all Louis had, twenty dollars, but he would give it to help this boy, that's just the type of person he was.

"No where to go" the boy mumbled, Louis shook his head with a sigh, yes his mother had told him not to do things like this but
" need a place to crash for the night, you're welcome to stay at my place?" And the boy seemed much more than relieved
"Thank you s-so much" he hiccuped, Louis only chuckled, helping him up.

"Now, what's your name?" Louis asked as he helped the stumbling man back toward his flat.
"Harry, y-yours?" He slurred
"I'm Louis"
It was hard not to laugh at the stunning boy as he stumbled over his own feet in a drunken daze.
"I like that name, 's pretty, like you"

Louis felt himself blush and he smiled
"Well thank you Harry. Can you stand for a moment, I need to unlock my door."
Harry nodded and stood up, wobbling a bit. Louis quickly unlocked the door and helped Harry inside the warm cozy flat, sitting him on the couch once his boots and coat were off.
"Want something to eat?" He offered and Harry shrugged

"Well we could watch a movie?" He suggested and Harry seemed much more interested in this option
"Yeah, sounds nice"

So that night the two boys sat, watching movies and eating snacks, Harry slowly sobering up, a bit more comprehensive at this point. By the end of the second movie, they weren't paying attention, they just talked, becoming increasingly infatuated with each other.

Though neither really had the guts to say much about it. Louis shifted so his head was on Harry's much more broad and muscular chest. Harry found himself paying his attention back to the movie, mindlessly playing with Louis' fringe.

"Harry?" Louis said softly, looking up at the curly haired man
"Yeah Lou?" He asked, looking down at the smaller boy who was now pretty much on his lap.
"How come you were at the pub all alone?" Harry winced and shook his head
"Got in a fight with my sister, I've been staying at her house while mines being remodeled, but she kicked me out."
Louis felt sympathy but nodded
"I'm sorry" Harry nodded again and looked down to Louis again

"Now it's my turn to ask a question, why do you dress like that?" Louis raised an eyebrow before he realized what Harry had meant
"Oh well I dunno, I just feel better in girls clothes I suppose...sorry if it like...makes you uncomfortable." He trailed off, his already small voice drifting off.
"Oh no love it doesn't I was just wondering." Harry said quickly, the smaller boy nodded and smiled
"Now my turn for a question again, can I kiss you?" Harry looked thoughtful

"I don't see why not." So Louis leaned up, quickly pressing his lips to Harry and oh god he knew this was so so wrong, cuddling and kissing a boy he just met on the street but he couldn't help it.

It just felt so right.
Viola! Chapter one! This is going to be a collab between itzbearhere and I! I'm so excited for this story and so is she! We will switch off with the updates weekly I believe but yeah please VOTE, COMMENT, and FOLLOW!!!!
We love ya!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2016 ⏰

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