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Getting ready for school in a gas station bathroom shouldn't be normal for most 17 year old boys,

But it is for Ashton.

Walking until your legs give out shouldn't be normal for most 17 year old boys,

But it is for Ashton

Climbing through vents and taking a four foot drop into the pharmacy to steal medication for anxiety and Xanax for PTSD should not be normal for most 17 year old boys,

But it is for Ashton.

Maybe it's the fact that Ashton in naturally emotionally detached.

Maybe it's the symptoms of his PTSD that just makes him emotionally unresponsive, but Ashton doesn't mind his lifestyle.

He showers on Fridays when the janitor is playing strip poker with the cafeteria lady's and leaves the doors to the boys locker room unlocked. He sometimes doesn't eat for days at a time simply because he can't. He has a problem with lacking compassion and emotional response in general. He usually either sleeps in the woods behind the school, or an abandoned apartment building.

He would only go into the apartment when the fire escape latter is out, which it never really is.

Ashton doesn't expect much out of life. He goes to school so he doesn't have to be alone every second of the day, his skin is cold and you can tell by just looking at it, his clothes are all either stolen or old and small.

Since Ashton never expects anything he doesn't expect the boy that stumbles into him in the woods that night.

He doesn't expect to find himself letting go of his fears.

He doesn't expect to fall in love with the way the boy talks, walks, smiles, sleeps...

And somewhere along the lines, after everything terrible and tragic has ended he doesn't expect to end up right back at the start.

[I am in no way associated with the characters of Michael, Ashton, Luke, or Calum, the rest are mine and this story is completely my idea so please do not steal it. Just a warning this story contains some sexual scenes and just a bit of m!preg. I have not had first hand experience with PTSD nor do I know someone who had it or struggled with it so if I get any information wrong you can blame Google. Otherwise I hope you enjoy :) ]

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