Post 3x04

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She knew she was going to tell Fitz everything eventually.
He was the only one she could tell anything too.
When he asked her why she wanted to re open the monolith her heart stopped for a second, she knew she couldn't lie to him now or push him away, she needed him.

Now she was prepared to tell him everything, but where would she start, from the beginning? Or just tell him what happened to her? What the planet was like? What about Will? Should she show him her notes in her folder or even show him what she had on her phone? There was so much she had to let out and keeping it inside away from him any longer hurt.

She felt his eyes bore into hers. The concern and love he held just in that one glance knew she didn't need to think this through, it was Fitz. The only thing in her life that she had never thought through, the one thing that no matter what their scientific nature of analysing and thinking in detail, he has always been an instinct, a part of herself that she has no control of, he's her other half, and no matter what she tells him or where she starts he will always come naturally too here.

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