[ Epilogue ]

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Epilogue (sorry, im not creative enough for a proper title)

"I don't understand why we need to get one right now."

Logan frowned as I pushed the little puppy to his face. He just glared at the cute little thing even more but I knew that he secretly thought that it was adorable.

"Seriously, think about this real hard, Apple," he muttered, pushing the puppy aside and walking away from the bunches of dogs.

I sighed, placing the little puppy back inside its crib with its brothers and sisters before following Logan out of the room. "What's got you in such an awful mood?" I asked, rubbing hand sanitizer on my hands and glaring at him. I admit, it might have made me look a little bit ridiculous but cleanliness is never a ridiculous matter.

Logan groaned, rubbing his temples with his fingers. "Now just isn't the time, okay?" he said exhaustedly.

"Logan, talk to me," I pleaded, taking a step towards him and linking my hands with his. I let out a deep breath and leaned forward, placing my head on his chest. "We're a team, remember?"

He released my hand, and for a moment, my heart broke but he then wrapped his arms around me and I melted into his embrace. I wasn't sure how long we were like that and it must have looked kind of awkward for anyone else in the building but I didn't care. I was in a moment with my boyfriend and I wasn't going to let societal norms ruin it. Especially when he smelled so good.

"I don't know if I'm ready for this," he admitted after a little while. I pulled back a little, lifting my head up to meet his gaze. His dark eyes were filled with worry and Logan doesn't really say much but it was always easy to tell what he was feeling by the expression on his eyes. And right now, the way he was looking at me made my stomach drop.

"It's just a puppy, we can always get a fish first, if you want," I joked, trying to lighten up the mood.

He just sighed, shaking his head. "Look, Ames," he began, letting go of me and taking a step back.

Oh, no. Ames. He doesn't use my real name unless we were having a super serious conversation. He didn't want to get a puppy. He didn't laugh at my fish joke. He didn't want to get a pet with me. He was quite enthusiastic about getting a dog weeks prior to coming to the shelter so he couldn't have quickly changed his mind about it. But what if this was more than just not wanting a pet? What if there was something else? What if there was someone else?

"Are you breaking up with me?" I asked, feeling my eyes water and my heart hurting.

Logan's eyes grew in shock at my words and his jaw dropped. "What?"

I clutched my chest, physically feeling my heart breaking. "Are you?" I demanded, my voice churning up.

"No—Amie, fuck, no," he said desperately, reaching out to take me into his arms again. This time though, his grip was stronger, he held onto me like he didn't want to let go. "God, I fucking love you, Ames." I tried to say something but all that come out was a pathetic sound that sounded much like a whimper. "I thought we've established that I'll never leave you," he said in a whisper, his words and voice comforting.

When I was sure that I've calmed down, I nodded and hugged him back. "I love you, too, Logan," I mumbled to his chest.

He chuckled kissing the top of my head before pulling me forward towards the animal shelter's exit. Once we were in the confines of his car, he made sure that I had my seatbelt on before driving out of the driveway and towards the direction of what I assumed was his apartment.

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